Motorrad Weekend Knockhill


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Well-known member
S1000RR Supporter
Nov 23, 2015
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I've booked the inter group on Sunday 10th July which is day 2 of the motorrad weekend with day 1 being reverse direction.

Hope to see some of you up there.

Doh, will be jet lagged from my 8-day bike adventure in Europe.... ;-(

How much is it anyway?
I'm booked in for both days. Planning to last longer than the first hour this time :suspicion:
I'm booked in for both days. Planning to last longer than the first hour this time :suspicion:

Me too Paul... I've never done a track day so I reckon it will be good.. I'll be in the Novice Novice after all these feckin Amanda says I can camp for free... no putting the bite on Jimmy Mac, he's got this big mad extension thing out the back with my NAME on it... that'll do nicely
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It was an open pit last time and a real eye opener when the racers who had been to the north west and were practicing for the TT went past on track oompffft!
Ive lost confidence in my front tyre grip after my slide so I'm buying slicks this time round.
Me too Paul... I've never done a track day so I reckon it will be good.. I'll be in the Novice Novice after all these feckin Amanda says I can camp for free... no putting the bite on Jimmy Mac, he's got this big mad extension thing out the back with my NAME on it... that'll do nicely
Going for both days?
It was an open pit last time and a real eye opener when the racers who had been to the north west and were practicing for the TT went past on track oompffft!
Ive lost confidence in my front tyre grip after my slide so I'm buying slicks this time round.

Reading between the lines of your account, you lost the front because you applied the throttle too early having already upped the load by running in to the corner faster. Just make sure the steering is done before you apply the gas and you'll stay on 2 wheels, no matter the tyres (because the rear does the turning after the front has steered), any movement on the throttle from fully closed will weight transfer off the front, extend the forks, reduce the contact patch and lose front grip. Maybe increase the rebound on the front to slow the rise when you let off the brakes/hit the gas. If this isn't something the DDC can adjust separately then you'll have to increase both comp and rebound.

Most track days say 3 laps to warm up, without warmers. Lower the pressure = more heat generated. Drop the front pressure a psi or 2 if you start getting hot tear then you can add one back in.
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Taken on board and open to any tips or info.
This is possibly what happened but I was looking at my front tyre this week and as the tyres were new they still felt "greasy" to touch at the sides.
Really not sure what happened tbh as I'd gone round with more or less the same lean previously and deliberately kept it smooth and controlled on the throttle coming out every corner (just rolling it on) All my braking and turning was done well before and it was in my head that I was taking it easy till the third lap was done.
I obviously want to avoid this again and I understand slicks won't prevent me sliding but my confidence has gone with my standard tyres.
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Find me a biker that hasn't had a moment where things just didn't make sense!
You may have gotten unlucky with the oils coming out of the tyres which they do an other oils/moisture on the track, bedding in the sides does need some care.
Just take the first session steady...I never get going till session 3 usually...(baz and soof would say I just don't get going lol)
Btw what does a hot tear look like? My tyres look pretty normal but be interested to know.
The tyre melts and centrifugal force spins it in the direction of the centre of the tyre. Looks a bit like sponge printing.
Ah ok, looks nothing like the top pic but not as smooth as the lower pic. I take it the lower pic is your tyre?