glad your finding it useful,these are the 2 things i always chirp on about to people trying to improve thier riding.proper instruction is the by far and away th bestmoney yo will ever spend on your bike (well it's actually yourself but you know what i mean),and then having real data to compare against is another valuable tool.
about 4 yrs ago i was having a major blip in my riding,was going slower and slower at every track i went to,but couldn't work out why.i've had a few 1-2-1 days in th past with spike edwards and a euro day with Mike Dickinson,and decided on the next euro i'd book Mike again to see if we could sort my riding and find my issues.simle answer was we knocked 4-5 seconds off current lap times by the end of the trip,and 1.5 seconds off my previous fastest,but more importantly carried that on for the next few yrs,gradually gettign faster till i hit a wall again,so did another day with Mike last yr and managed to knock another couple seconds off,getting down to 51's around Jerez now with more to come next time.
1 thing i would say though is,it's not a gaurantee,you have to put the effort in with instruction,listen and put what they say into practice but wont come in a day they are there to get you set up to improve througout your riding,they aren't cheap days but worth it.