Missed a gear?


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Well-known member
S1000RR Supporter
Apr 24, 2017
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2017 S1KRR. I think I had a miss last night, going from 3rd gear to 4th, pushing on very hard at the time. Didn't check the gear indicator as was rather distracted (pitched forward just missed nutting the screen, engine revving very hard...).
Anyone else had one of these? This is my first in 1700 miles
Hi Huge

Yea I've had this many times before lol, for me it happens when not releasing the gear leaver fully between shifts. So rider error.

If you're confident that isn't the cause then the usual check chain tension and clutch free play are within spec would be the next suggestion.

The gear box, on my Gen 3 improved over the first ~ 3K miles.

Thanks Oli. It was via the quickshifter. I get the impression that it went into 4th briefly and then back to 3rd, but without the benefit of an auto-blip, hence the engine noise and headbutt
Yea it's very pronounced when it does it, especially if it happens between 1st and 2nd!

That being said, I do suspect it's simply a case of not fully releasing the gear lever between shifts. If the leaver is not fully released then the quickshifter resets before the leaver can actually select the next gear causing the cut followed by a violent hit of power, or just a very harsh cut.

If it did briefly go into 4th then it might just have been an incomplete shift from the new box and slight rider error. If that's the case it'll also improve as the gearbox beds in. Most of the time though jumping out of gear happens when downshifting from 2nd to 1st and the bike can hop into neutral
I've had the same to too, mainly between 1st and 2nd and I put it down to pussy footing with the gear lever and not giving it a positive stomp. I always clutch it when going down from 2nd to 1st; mechanical empathy kicks in.
5th-6th-5th for me... hangs mid gear on more than a few times

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Stuart, mines was the same when it was brand new, works best above 8000rpm in fifth with pinned throttle, but by then you are almost airborne, I can only do this on the IOM or Autobahn, honest guvnor.

Much better than my gen 1, although good, the gen3 far from perfect. Maybe because I'm mainly track and changing while cranked over does upset the bike a little. I find that closing the throttle just a mm or so (no loss of momentum to speak of) alleviates this problem.
Hence it's called shift assist and not quick shifter. I've only had 1 false neutral since mid '15 and that was early days.
I have found that when 'on it' climbing over the front, the natural angle of yr leg changes moving the toe down and inadvertently can put enough pressure on the lever to cut revs even when not wanting to shift. (Yes, nutted the screen a few times lol)
Changing down I find is purrrrrfect
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