Help Request - 2019 K67 - Bike Not Starting - No TFT Display


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Jun 13, 2022
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Hi all,

Seeking some thoughts/guidance from anyone who has experienced the following issue....

Bike is in neutral...
Side stand up...
Key in ignition
When turned to display of anything on the tft screen and there are no sounds (i.e. of the fuel pump or relays)
Headlights come on briefly then slowly dim off
No response from the start button

Battery is brand new. Replaced that as the first line of investigation.

If you have experienced this on your bike / worked to resolve this issue on this model of bike I would be incredibly grateful if you could advise a) what this issue is and b) how to resolve it 🙏
I know you said new battery, but do you know if it is holding a charge?
Hi Fraggle.

Yeah. The battery is testing fine.

It's going into the dealership tomorrow so I'm hoping it's a quick/easy/not extortionate fix.
An update to the above issue with my bike.....

The dealership advised they have never seen a bike with this issue before. They are unable to get it to work with their diagnostics as the bike seems unable to provide any power to allow a connection. Unable to draw any current from it.

The bike has been flashed. Has an akra full system on it. They asked about that but it was a plug and play flash and nothing intrusive that involved opening up the ECU.

They have advised me it's looking like a 'test all the wires, one at a time', level of investigation. Anyone had their bike go through that process before? Anticipating the cost of that task is going to be painful. ☹
Nightmare mate.. I hope you get it sorted and they don't pull your eyes out. Sounds like something is pulling the power down. You'd like to think they could test for voltage at the display and work back with their drawings. After that guessing they'll probably have to unplug things one at a time to see what it is. Could have been a wire nipped at some point or has worn through against the frame/bodywork giving a break or short.
ECU's can break.
If it's not the rectifier, generator, battery, fuses, relays, earths...then I would probably say the only thing left is the ECU.
The lights coming on and going off is interesting, I would be surprised, but you could investigate the ignition barrel.
There is a specific light ECU underneath the Engine ECU. Unplug and replug everything mentioned, check the connections for water.

Assuming you're out of warranty you could open the ECU and look for anything obvious. I expect there are companies that can do ECU electrical diags, the dealers can't, too niche, they can only replace parts nowadays.
If their diagnostic won’t connect then that usually means the ECU has failed, if there are no obvious wiring issues then that’s more than likely what’s happened. They should put a known good one in place to see if it will then connect, that would almost certainly show that it’s faulty.