Fitting new brake pads - dry or ceramic brake grease ?


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S1000RR Supporter
Oct 29, 2015
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Just curious what the opinions are on fitting new brake pads - after cleaning the caliper / pins etc what's the view on a light application of ceramic grease on the back of the pad ? I used to always use some copper slip on the rear of the pads when changing car pads but I know that there are better ceramic products out there now.

Seems to be mixed views around a light application of some product versus just popping the pads in dry and leaving them.....
I use Cera Tec from mintex, My VFR1200 gets used in all weathers and right through the winter and I never have any problems with sticky pistons or pads.
I also spray the calipers and pistons with GT85 and let that dry before re fitting the calipers and pads
Always used nickel slip myself over copper. There are many discussions regarding the two ( but nothing major in difference for us on a motorbike)

Just found the nickel slip to be more of a versatile lubricating/ anti- sieze paste.

But there's always a bespoke paste/ lubricant for any requirement these days!
New Brake Pads

I've personally never bothered. I just give the calipers a good clean and then fit the new brake pads. I've never had any issues and I change brake pads pretty frequently.