Engine mangement light


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Jul 19, 2014
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Stockton on Tees
Just fitted a full Austin Racing system and fully removed front servo and rear servo wires
However the Orange management light is showing is there a way to cancel this light ?
I have seen the "servo buddy" on various forums and was wondering if anyone has used this ? any help would be gratefully accepted ..
If you remove either or both of the servo motors, or rotate the servo motor plate during removal of the cables you will get an engine warning light.

I suspect the best way to proceed is to purchase 2x servo buddies (one for each servo motor) and take your bike to a Motorrad dealer to clear the check engine fault.
Alternatively, reinstall the servo motors and ensure the base plate has not been rotated (though I?m not sure if this will rectify the engine warning light issue, it may still need to be cleared manually with a GS-911 tool).

@RyS1000RR can you confirm?
If you turn it on with no servo's connected you'll get a warning lamp and I don't think you can clear it.
Most of us leave the servo's in place, but remove the cables, to avoid this.
Engine Management Light

As soon as you remove either of the exhaust servos, and turn the ignition on, the Engine Management Light will illuminate. Either reconnect the servos and leave them in place or buy a set of servo buddys. I can?t comment on whether they would be effective on a BMW though. Your final option, for a race or track only bike, is you can opt to have the ECU ?Race Enabled? by BMW with the HP Racing Data Release. This allows you to remove them completely as they become redundant. In any event the ECU will have registered a fault code which will need to be cleared by BMW.

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