Clutch stiffness?


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Well-known member
Oct 14, 2013
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First ride today for 6 months on my 2013 RR, and I'm reminded how stiff the clutch lever is. It's been like this from new, is there a remedy for it?
ensure the clutch cable is both adjusted correct, and lubricated inside the cable also.
Check the leaver near the clutch basket it, if it's sitting at a strange angle to the cable that's going to cause a heavy clutch.

I don't notice much difference in my s1000rr (193hp) to my drz400(35hp)
+1 lube lever pivot and cables first.

I had the same after winter. A quick strip down starting from the clutch lever showed it needed cleaning and lubing at the pivot bolt.

Just be careful of micro switches and plastic limits on clutch. If you know there there you won?t break them.

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Thanks for all the replies. I'll try the WD40, but as I said it's been like this from new. I've got average hand strength but shortish fingers, and I'm pulling the lever with my finger tips. I wonder if an adjustable lever would help?
A longer leaver would help if you got short ones on.
Standard levers. After an hour or so ride the tendons in my wrist start to ache when pulling the lever in.
When on the bike have you checked that the line down the top of your arm to the lever is straight? incorrectly angled levers can lead to rsi type fatigue and pain making lever action harder than it should be.
Lever angle is as it left the factory. Not sure I understand about the straight arms?
Lever angle is as it left the factory. Not sure I understand about the straight arms?


Thi image is showing correct rider position I have to adjust both my levers downward to achieve a comfortable operation of clutch and brake