Brands GP - 2nd Sept 19


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Apr 29, 2014
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London and Norfolk
Anyone going?
I had to cancel one earlier in the year so I am going Monday instead.

I hadn't mentioned it on here as there was a chance I'd be cancelling again due to work.

Anyway - I'll be heading there on Monday AM...
Really want to hit the GP track again as i feel me and that track have unfinished business. Last time i rode it was the hottest day of the year haha. I have my name down on the reserve for Inters. But i am not holding out for there being space..
Really want to hit the GP track again as i feel me and that track have unfinished business. Last time i rode it was the hottest day of the year haha. I have my name down on the reserve for Inters. But i am not holding out for there being space..

you can still book novice and jump the ship
Not a bad shout...I am not the fastest inter (still learning) so even if they can't move me it wouldn't be the end of the world.
Weather is very encouraging!

- Alex
Turns out FE are here with a few Gen4 bikes to test.

All booked out unfortunately.

- Alex
Turns out FE are here with a few Gen4 bikes to test.

All booked out unfortunately.

- Alex

I saw their red Gen4 at Donny last Tuesday. It was standing still whole day, no one cared lol.
Lovely day for it.
Quite a few red flags. Managed a 1:46.4 which is still 5 seconds off decent by all accounts.

But I managed to improve my lines & carry more speed on certain corners and ultimately had a great day.

- Alex
More shit laps! This time in 360 vision!
Quite a lot of traffic, and no one to tow me around (well I did try to chase the two that went by but it seems they use lean angle and magic to corner)

I dunno, it looks like you had plenty of lean angle and magic there! I would be proper happy at that pace!
You're too kind. :) The guy on the RR (92) demonstrates quite well what I should be doing.

Waste a lot of time coasting, but like I said before it was a good day. I also admit I actually enjoyed the traffic as I needed practice on being more clinical (whilst still being safe) in getting through it.
If you want coasting I’ll upload a video haha. Personally that’s the same attitude i take. Especially on a busy track day, step back a bit and work on improving areas. I’ll be happy when I’m a confident/fast inter.
More shit laps! This time in 360 vision!
Quite a lot of traffic, and no one to tow me around (well I did try to chase the two that went by but it seems they use lean angle and magic to corner)

Your lines are good, you just need to be more aggressive on the gas into and out of the turns and more aggressive on braking.

You can brake pretty late into Hawthorn (past first marker) and trail into, requires some practicing tho. Same goes about Sheene curve.

Paddock hill is the trickiest for me, can also brake pretty late there but its quite bumpy there and you see apex almost at the last moment.
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You're too kind. :) The guy on the RR (92) demonstrates quite well what I should be doing.

Waste a lot of time coasting, but like I said before it was a good day. I also admit I actually enjoyed the traffic as I needed practice on being more clinical (whilst still being safe) in getting through it.

Looked like a great day for it too. Nice vid.