Went out today, did abput 40 miles no problems, stopped and when I went to start the bike it was having none of it, dash lights on, can shift modes but nothing happens when I hit the start button. After a quick web browse roadside, found a suggestion of taking the bike out of the sun and cooling the switch gear. Did this and 20 mins later hey presto it starts so I head for home, get 3 mile down the road and at 70mph the engine just dies, all lights remain lit up, starter wont work and can't bump start it. Stop at the roadside once more and after an hour of messing I concede defeat and have to call the recovery truck, ?100 lighter, bike still banjo'd and throughly hacked off with my 4000 mile 2011 bike.
So after my rant do people think this is switchgear related or something else, sensor maybe?
So after my rant do people think this is switchgear related or something else, sensor maybe?