Alpha Racing Clip Ons


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May 28, 2021
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Has anyone fitted Alpha Clip ons with standard switchgear?

Do you have to drill the bar to bolt the switchgear in place?
Std switchgear has to have drilled holes, yes. Some clipons do not permit drilling like Renthal Gen 3
Thank you!

Little tip for marking and drilling the holes for the switch gear. Mount your clip ons. Slip on the switch gear where you want to mount it. (Secure in place with tape if needed) Then get a small nail that will fit inside the original bolt holes on the switch gear. Tap the nail lightly a few times with hammer, remove the switch gear and you'll a mark where you need to drill. Obviously don't drill them when mounted on the bike :)
Little tip for marking and drilling the holes for the switch gear. Mount your clip ons. Slip on the switch gear where you want to mount it. (Secure in place with tape if needed) Then get a small nail that will fit inside the original bolt holes on the switch gear. Tap the nail lightly a few times with hammer, remove the switch gear and you'll a mark where you need to drill. Obviously don't drill them when mounted on the bike :)

I will do that! Thank you ?