2015 RR Lean angle readings...


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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2012
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So I've had my new '15 RR for a month now and it goes in for its first service this week and the limiter off - Mmm.

Just wondered about what sort of lean angles people are getting out there on regular rides out / roundabouts / track?

I'm getting 40's but have not broken 50 yet!
Can you download the data? I hit 50.5deg on Snetterton according to the Pirelli App with the phone wedged in the bike. Taken with a pinch of salt.
Can you download the data? I hit 50.5deg on Snetterton according to the Pirelli App with the phone wedged in the bike. Taken with a pinch of salt.

Thats a pretty cool app Alex, going to see how it tracks my trip to the office tomorrow (130 miles each way yay).
Yeah, mine resets each ride / ignition off/on - not noticed it saving the highest angles anywhere.

And oh - it is getting addictive!
52 R 49 L on roads. Just annoying it resets if you turn the ignition off before you check. Can't fault the default metzler K3's. Fantastic tyre with loads of warning. Going to buy another rear as its spent after 1200 miles and the front will easily last another rear. Then going to try Pirelli SP's and hope the rear lasts a bit longer :(
I've seen 44 right and 40 left- living and working in London, Tibbets Corner roundabout is my only real opportunity :(
My favourite twistie bit of road to Fort William, I only took this pic as my traction control showed full bars when rolling through a 30 zone afterwards. Maybe it was a delayed reaction lol
Lean Angle

54/55? on track. Suffice to say I'm looking forward to fitting a set of slicks. On the road I have the lean angle display turned off.
57/58 cadwell @ weekend
Is your bike standard apart from slicks or have you felt the need to do any mods?
Im interested to find out if it's all you will ever need straight out the box or will you be doing engine or suspension work etc.