How To Disable S1000 Taillight & Break Light For Track Days


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Aug 6, 2013
Reaction score
London & S Spain
Evening y'all

Does anybody know how to disable the tail and break light for a 2103 S1000RR Sport

Can it be done by removing the fuse? If so which one?

thanks Super S1K
Oh my god. We have a true real life time traveller here. Is the 2103 model a huge improvement bud? hehe

Unless the 2103 ;) is different to a 2011, can you not just unplug it in under pillion seat?
Ha Thanks, Duh..

Yeah 2013! but I don't think it makes any difference

Anyway the plug for the tail light is clearly visibly when you remove the seat cowl. However I think the clip you need to release the plug is on the bottom, I can't get anywhere near it as its flush agains the base.

I'm sure its a release clip like most other connectors.

Also if it were removed I am wondering if I'll get a load of dash error messages? I don't want to put race fairings on as it's quick to get the HP blanking plates fitted, I Just don't want brake and tail lights and don't like tape

Now... Where is that Flux Capacitor !


On a track day with people of varying abilities, why disable the brake light? I can understand in racing, but trackdays seems illogical and dangerous.
On a track day with people of varying abilities, why disable the brake light? I can understand in racing, but trackdays seems illogical and dangerous.
Totally agree with you, the taping stems back to the days when lights were made of glass so not necessary nowadays. If a rider is that quick (racer?) then there won't be many people catching him up and if they are then would think they know what they're doing...
I think it's a good idea to disable the brake light, in all fairness you want the person behind you concentrating on there own riding not watching for your brake lights! I think a lot of people could prob get sucked in by a following a faster rider braking later etc and end up rely upon there brake lights! next thing you know their riding beyond their ability and a crash in inevitable! just my opinion!!
Yam Andy - I get what you're saying but I think the benefits outweigh your arguments. I can be a bit too brake happy in the first few laps...braking early and too much. I'd rather the guy behind knew what I was up to, so that he can accommodate that into his split second calculations, rather than not know. I nearly crashed into the back of a novice cause he disabled his lights and then braked mega early at the end of the Bentley straight (140-150mph approach). He was happily doing his own thing and I have learn't to never be on the same line as anyone else no matter how far away they are...but if I'd seen a brake light I'd have had an earlier warning.

I'm an advocate of "you can't have enough information" especially when dealing with groups of mixed ability.

Bananaman you're correct - it's to do with glass on track in the event of a crash.
The brake light disabling is ultimately down to personal choice as it has no effect on my own performance.
IMO Brake lights are a distraction for other riders, even if you glance at somebody's brake light for 0.1 second, that is taking your attention and vision away from your corner Brake, turn in, apex and exit reference points for example.. I believe Other riders should be in your Peripheral vision and not focused directly on. Different on a road where your focus is split between traffic and road.
Although nothing to do with the thread title, I do agree with both points if view. One is relevant to novices and the other is for the rest. Novice groups are a nightmare to ride in, so more info about the other riders erratic braking is very helpful. I have much better track time riding with faster groups that generally know what they are doing (that's why they are faster), where rear lights are a distraction because faster times require 100% concentration on line and speed. Just IMO.

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