Well I've taken the plunge.....


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Active member
May 19, 2013
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Near Walton-On-Thames, Surrey
It was a tough decision to trade in the Ducati 1098s which is an amazing bike, yet needs clear country roads (IMO) to really enjoy it so I decided to take the plunge and get the best sports in the world.

So I've bought myself a 2010, 6k miles, MotorSport colours, Sport model, GP Racing engine protectors, an Akro end can and I pick it up Friday. :unconscious:

I've taken a look through the forum a bit and you guys and girls seem an ok bunch.

ill post up some pictures soon, yet in the meantime any new owner advice you may is welcomed.

Cheers. Cornish.
Welcome to the forum Cornish. Only joined up myself recently although been running an S1k since April 2010.
Cracking good forum and not a bad bike - enjoy and say safe.
Hopper and Hampy thanks guys.

I was looking t it before I bought the 1098s yet didn't find the right one I suppose. I've loved the Ducati yet I saw an S1K (I get that's right) and started thinking about it hence went on a test ride which ended in a puncture 30mins in. Yet the ride was great, it's a more substantial bike and fatter yet the confidence it delivers in the bends is impressive.

Looking forward to Friday so badly.

I presume there are local meets, maybe box hill or new lands corner both of which aren't too far for me?
Well, the frustration starts....the dealer i'm buying from was soo good at selling bikes at the weekend that my delivery date has been put back a week now...:nightmare:

Of course like any new owner i want to be out on it NOW, yet hey ho these things happen i suppose.
Welcome Cornish, I would be gutted if a dealer did that to me.... go pester and get it for tomorrow weather is looking up.

Good luck
Yeah, it is something but not enough imo. Try out your powers of persuasion on them, tell em you want a free service and a tank full of fuel for your troubles, explain how sick you feel about having to wait. they can only say no.

Good Luck
Phil, to be fair i'm well busy in the weeks at the moment with work (mustn't complain) so although it is a pain for this BH weekend, at least it'll be in time for next weekend! I had the ride of the year this morning on the demo bike, man, to slide around bends and have the DTC kicking in was awesome! I even managed to get rid of some of the chicken strips for them!

Anyway, i've clearly made the right choice of trading in the 1098s, man i'm going to love this SK1 i know i will!
Well after having a weeks delay the Boomer (as it will be known from now on) arrived in time for me to be away last weekend.

I managed to fit an USB power cable for my phone and the tank bag bracket already with some stubby leavers to do this weekend.

So I rushed back and sneaked a ride Tuesday afternoon....

I got 1 mile up the road efore the rear brake seized on!!! Nothing dangerous yet whoever PDI'd it manage to set the switch trigger in too far. So after a little bit of slowly home I slackened that off and got an hour or two ride in!

O to the M to the G, how bloody fast is Boomer, err Mach 2 I'd say. Ok I've come from an amazing bike (1098s) yet the difference is amazing. More stable, more planted, not as twitchy in slow traffic and so confident inspiring I'm in love!

Haven't played too much with the various modes yet and have stuck it in Race FTB which is just on it in my view.

I've even managed to just about get my knee down which is something I've never been that bothered about before yet you can hang-off it so happily. I love it, did I mention that already? :)

I'll keep you all updated as to how I'm getting on.

A very happy S1K owner.

Hi Cornish,

I too have just made the plunge from a Ducati 1198 to a 2013 beemer, i pick it up in two weeks.....ive never ridden one, but on the back of all the press and the last trackday at snetterton proved to me that the Ducati was lacking in Top end speed compared to the beemers......so how are you getting on with it???? is all you expected it would be??? any regrets....im shitting bricks because i love my Ducati.....Hope i did the right thing!!!!
Hi Cornish,

I too have just made the plunge from a Ducati 1198 to a 2013 beemer, i pick it up in two weeks.....ive never ridden one, but on the back of all the press and the last trackday at snetterton proved to me that the Ducati was lacking in Top end speed compared to the beemers......so how are you getting on with it???? is all you expected it would be??? any regrets....im shitting bricks because i love my Ducati.....Hope i did the right thing!!!!

Dannycox mate, personally the S1K fits me, my life and my riding needs perfectly. Like all bikes you'll read on here it has its downsides, and although I'm new into it, I have to say I've made the right decision!!!

Mines a 2010 model so maybe it's not fair to compare to the 2013 version, yet having spent 8 hours on a demo bike in the last month I have to say there is a difference. Can I really be specific maybe not, the 2013 brakes are better, it's had the all important heated grips (which are lush) and the styling is a bit better. Yet overall I'm glad I went for the 2010 one I've got.

I've just fitted some stubby leavers on today and now it feels like my bike!!!! The BMW dealer is spot on, supportive and helpful so I can't fault then nor would I say it's different from my Ducati experience either.

One big difference I would say is you know you're going fast on the S1K compared to the 1098s when you look down and notice you're going fast.

The modes are just amazing however I'm yet to really use them properly and notice the difference the options offer on the ABS, DTC and quick shifter.

Hope that helps. Cornish
Well a quick update...

I managed to get a trip in with the boys up to the Peak District for a few days and a Trackday at Donington as well.

The S1K on the motorway was stable and sooooo easy to ride, at no point did I get off thinking "I'm knackered or cramped" in fact it reminded me of my old 929rr for comfort.

Then hitting the twisties up near Buxton was fantastic. Poised, accurate and alive are words that spring to mind. It's just like a Cheeta, ambles around and then when you see something to eat, a quick twist and BANG it's off like a rocket. I love it.

The Peaks were awesome and the Cat and Fiddle route was done 5 times just to show the others how riding at 50mph max. can still be rewarding!!!

Wow, Donington was very special as I haven't been there since I used to race there with my lotus exige. Wingmirrors, number plate off, switch to race mode and adjust the suspension to 8 and I was off. Man so simple to turn it into a track weapon.

Cranners, the Old Hairpin and the double apex Copice are just wonderful on the S1K. I exited Copice on full lean and managed to actually get 90% full throttle on to hit the old Dunlop Bridge straight at pace. Amazing.

I know guys and girls I should trust the DTC and just pin it fully yet having ridden on the throttle exiting corners for sooo long it's going take me time to fully "let go" and pin it 100% YET I will in time I'm sure as I get more and more comfortable with it.

My 1st niggle is the vibration through the grips, having had twins and older bikes I'm use to some yet this is a little too much in my view. So I've bought some heavier R&G ones to sort it.

The 2nd being the heat that comes through the frame all off the Cat box, anyone else experience this? Man I've got to get a link pipe or full system sorted ASAP!!!!

Anyway I'm thoroughly loving the S1K and will keep you all updated following experience at the next Trackday at brands hatch on the 15th Aug. (anyone going to the No Limits day?)

Keep it safe and on the black stuff.

OK, so the change continues, althoguh i promised myself i woudl keep the S1K standard, as always that was a pipe dream...:livid:

So, i bought some R&G Bar Ends and maybe it is just phycological yet the vibrations do feel less now.

Secondly, i have been longing for some more noise (i had a Remus Stubby End can on a non-CAT 929RR Blade before) and hence i've started down that road...

I managed to get hold of an original exhaust system from my BMW dealer that was hanging around at the back of the stock room, deal discussed and done, RESULT! So i then i started thinking about getting a link pipe made up, yet took some advice off RossHarper and bought a DanMoto link pipe form the US of A (costs just over £95 delivered!) which should arrive next week fingers crossed!

I now need to cut down the old system to remove the massively weighty CAT box and connect things up. RossHarper has been very helpful with advice re bolt sizes etc. so a big THANK YOU to RossHarper.

I'm thinking of selling my OEM Akro End Can now and getting an MTC Road Legal Stainless.Carbon Tip End Can (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/180584908715?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2648) as it has removable baffles so won't affect any track riding.

I suppose it will then be a Power Commander or ECU re-map or just see how it goes as i don't want to cock up the fuelling too much.

I'll keep you guys updated as to how it goes and post up some photos etc. Of course i'll then be needing a new belly pan fairing to cover up, yet that's next months mod :)

Yes the S1K is still making me smile every time i get back on it or even sit on the couch in the garage having a cuppa and just starring at it.

Later's Cornish