ABS delete - How to bleed the brakes


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Well-known member
Dec 5, 2018
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A friend of mine has a Gen 3 (2018) and it has had an ABS delete on it.

It was the bike and his first time out on track yesterday. After his 3rd session he was experiencing bad fade. I bled the leaver and a lot of air came out. Went to the callipers to work on them. And there are no bleed nipples.

Does anyone have an idea how you bleed them from the calliper end or do you need to use a vacuum pump? Not that i can see how that would work.
There must be bleed nipples at calipers. ABS delete doesn't change or replace them.

Unless he specifically changed them but I have never seen this ever.
You would have thought right. I thought i was going mad but here was nowhere obvious to bleed them. I will grab a pic and post it.

They are stock Gen 3 Brembos, but it's just a brake line straight into a banjo bolt.

The bike was built for the TT (but never turned a wheel) and is superstock spec, not sure that really helps though.
Bleed Valve

On the standard Gen 3 Brembo calipers there should be a bleep valve atop of the banjo bolt.
I'll grab a clearer picture tonight when he is back from work. But here's a blurry zoomed in pic. You can just see here the brake lines bolt straight in, no bleed valve on top.
Standard, albeit with Stahlbus


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Very much non-standard. Will want to return that to stock imo.

Completely agree and he is not too mechanically minded so he'd want a simple solution. Those Stahlbus look smart, i read up on them before and like they idea. Are they expensive?
Thats the BMW HP version. They were arounf ?100. Way more than normal bleed nipples.

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