Turning traction control off


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Well-known member
Jul 13, 2016
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Anybody rode their sthou with the traction control and abs turned off. The guys at the garage i bought it off said that only an idiot turns it off but its making me curious

But i also have in the back of my mind that once its turned off it'll be like riding a shopping trolley and im defo going to crash.

I can only usually ride it in slick for about 5
minutes before i **** my pants and put it back in race
I recently did a bike safe day. My observer expressed an opinion that all rider aids were pointless and that all the control you needed was in your right hand. I kept my opinions mostly to myself.

Whether or not you need rider aids depends on how you ride and how well you are able to control the bike in situations where the rider aids would have helped you out if you left them on.
Rider aids are a safety net (not infallible) for when our riding skill is caught out.
We're human, we make mistakes. I see no point in not using the progression of technology to widen my safety margins. But I don't rely on it.

- Sent from Mobile
I've got the non sport model ( not by choice, only one available here in Ireland at the time ) I drive to work everyday on it all year round. I always drive in slick mode just prefer the instant throttle response no matter what the weather. If it's really wet the back wheel spins in 6th gear once you hit around the 7k ish revs which is a bit nerve wrecking so I usually stay under it which is still about a ton
Given the choice I'd definitely have the traction control
Anybody rode their sthou with the traction control and abs turned off. The guys at the garage i bought it off said that only an idiot turns it off but its making me curious

But i also have in the back of my mind that once its turned off it'll be like riding a shopping trolley and im defo going to crash.

I can only usually ride it in slick for about 5
minutes before i **** my pants and put it back in race

Turning everything off will just make your bike like every other road bike was prior to 2009ish, it'll handle as well as it does with the TC on and you won't crash. But just like every powerful bike pre the 1st gen S1000RR you are more likely to crash if you get it wrong.
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My first sk1 Had no abs or traction loved it . I now have a Feb 3 fully loaded rode it with everything of and on tbh on the road I'm not pushing hard enough to notice , I v e his mud and slid traction never interfered . But on track were bike comes into its own for me ride in race with throttle pinned traction light is never off feels like looses power cuts in so much . Crazy that I think I ride hard on road and never flickers yet on all time on track . I feel it's best on slick snd I'm down to to minus 5 on traction on track il try-6 next see if I have a bike left to try 7 lol defo puts power down better ! I think it's nice to have the Choice
Before i had a gsr750 with no rider aids, half the power of the bmw but still never had any issues riding it or crashes.
Its just after wat the sales guy said its put me off trying it without as i dont feel im that good a rider haha
I think it's a ego thing for lads who don't have the latest bike fee lads I ridd with often used to rub me for having latest fandango o used to turn the AIDS of to prove a point , now as done of them are updating bikes they have them and ones who took pisd now have the AIDS in full ! If u want a new bike this is the future enjoy it , someone tell Marc marcez he can't ride a bike cos he had traction control . I agree you don't need it on a blade but on 200bhp and cold tires it's a back up plan
Ive had the arse kick out on the bike in the wet and in rain mode and all the tc lights started flickering and it sorted itself out which i was quite grateful for. Must admit i did give it abit too much to get through the amber traffic light.
Personally i cant see me trying it without for quite a while
Yea i love it. Only did 2500 miles in 2 years on my last bike and 700 of that was iom this year. Nearly done same milage in less that 2 1/2 months on the rr. Cant seem to stop riding it :)
Great stuff I'm nearly on 11k since April make me smile every ride

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