TracStar HeliBars


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Jul 25, 2015
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Hi guys,

Does anyone have any experience with Helibars on their RR? I'm looking / considering getting a pair for my 2015, but just wondered whether they're worth the investment??

Same here. Amazed at what just an inch can do :) Had the bike at a track day on Monday and no one spotted until told that they were fitted which is great. Also the service advisor at my local dealer rode the bike a few weeks ago and said it was the most comfortable rr he had ever ridden. So in summary - get them :) (I managed to get some second hand off Ebay (guy had traded his bike in) so you may be able to get them cheaper than list......
I enquired about these with Bykebitz a month ago who are the UK importers for helibars. At that time the bars were listed for 2012 to 2014 and compatible with 2015 models. They didn't want to sell me them as they said they were not happy with the modifications they had used to allow for the extra width on the 2015 bars. Basically they had used bar extensions for the extra width (see the U.S. Forum for all the hassle this caused in fitting). Anyway in the last week or so Helibars have now brought out bars specific for the 2015 model. Bykebitz have contacted me and I have ordered them. I will post an update in a couple of weeks once they have been fitted.
i used them before on my Honda and loved them. Overall they are a personal preference, but I suffer from lower back pain so they helped no end.
Cheers for that great feedback guys! I also suffer from lower back pain too and I don't want to be hindered on long journeys. I noticed they'd recently launched a new model with an extra inch for the 2015 bike so I reckon mows the time to get a set. I'll look forward to seeing how you get on Richy170
Ive just ordered some Gilles Variobars I cant find anyone else who has fitted them so Im wondering if I should have gone the HeliBar route
Ive just ordered some Gilles Variobars I cant find anyone else who has fitted them so Im wondering if I should have gone the HeliBar route

I wasn't aware Gilles did risers for the 2015 RR...but being Gilles I'm sure they'll be great quality. How much are they?
The Gilles bars are expensive at about ?300 but for me they look like they will massively improve road riding comfort, so compared to what I paid for the bike I hoping it'll be worth it.
Helibars fitted today and although they are not cheap I am blown away by how much more comfortable my riding position is and also how much easier it is to steer. I have added 5 degrees of lean already on my ride home. On long rides I used to rest my fingertips on top of the bars with the cruise control on. Now with the Helibars fitted I have found that I am already at my perfect resting position.
The bars I have had fitted are the 2015 specific bars. You could buy the earlier version but these were a bodge job with bar extenders added to allow for the extra bar width of the 2015 model. Bykebitz who are the UK importer didn't want to sell me the older ones when I enquired earlier in the year. The new version has the perfect length.
Overall I am a very happy and I'm sure I will be able to stay more comfortable on my bike. There is also always a healthy market for these so you can easily recoup part of your investment.
I live in Farnborough, Hampshire if any one wants to try before you buy.
I spoke to Graham at Bykebits today who told me that Helibars are not available for the 2015 bike at the moment, they also show no stock on their website ?
They are definitely available for the 2015 model and they do sell them as I bought them from them in person as they are only a few miles away. As for stock I doubt that very much as they order them from America and they take a couple of weeks.
Helibars fitted today and although they are not cheap I am blown away by how much more comfortable my riding position is and also how much easier it is to steer. I have added 5 degrees of lean already on my ride home. On long rides I used to rest my fingertips on top of the bars with the cruise control on. Now with the Helibars fitted I have found that I am already at my perfect resting position.
The bars I have had fitted are the 2015 specific bars. You could buy the earlier version but these were a bodge job with bar extenders added to allow for the extra bar width of the 2015 model. Bykebitz who are the UK importer didn't want to sell me the older ones when I enquired earlier in the year. The new version has the perfect length.
Overall I am a very happy and I'm sure I will be able to stay more comfortable on my bike. There is also always a healthy market for these so you can easily recoup part of your investment.
I live in Farnborough, Hampshire if any one wants to try before you buy.

Cheers for the feedback certainly seemed happy with the results! I have family in the US so I'll probably end up getting a pair shipped over as a 'gift' as they only cost ?200 over there! Enjoy and ride safe!
Bykebitz contacted me after I'd emailed TracStar to confirm they had made a mistake and they were in stock so I've placed my order, so all sorted.
Sorry it has taken so long to add some photos.
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