Rusty Sump cover & faulty switches


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Heap of **** wouldn't start when I left work today, seems that the RH switchgear is now defective.


Probably bikeless now until the 16th August....

On my other bike I have a problem with the starter switch not working after it has been left in direct sunlight for a bit. It's fine after being 'cooled'. Being replaced foc. What's happened with yours?
Starter button on RH switchgear non-functional. Still not working after being in garage overnight.

Mode button works fine, so thanks to ****** switchgear I don't have a right indicator, high beam or a functioning bike!
get it down to williams , they have my old switch still in stock and keep ringing me about fitting it .....still!
It's booked in for Monday. It was in for the 16th august as mentioned previously but they've brought it forward.

Still got to get it there mind....
Got the bike back from Williams Bikes today.

Both sets of switchgear replaced foc, fuel pump checked & supporting rings added (recall issued for this apparently, news to me) plus planned service.

The switchgear looks very similar to the old stuff but has a different feel to it when using them, plus they're not going to fail apparently....

Overall quite impressed with Williams, they picked the bike up for me on Tuesday and got the work done sooner than I expected. Might stick with the S1000RR a while longer now!
Left hand switch gear just went on my 2011 zie horn - found that out the hard way. then i stopped for a cheeky half pounder and bollox the bike don't start, after sufficiently smacking it with my fist she fired up and has worked ever since.
Mine went in two weeks ago for the left switch gear. Wouldn't stop indicating once I pressed it. Anyway, got it free so all good. Even though I rung them end of June about it and they said they'd ring me when the switch gears were in from Germany. Month and a half later still no phone call so I rung them, funnily enough they'd just turned up.... Yeah right. They just didn't want me in because they make no money from it. Haha.
Had the indicator switch replaced earlier in the year, as you could only turn them off using the hazard switch.

Just had the ignition switch replaced as it failed to start. BMW assistance (3rd party) couldn't get it going & got recovered home. Next day called the AA and they managed to get it going somehow so could ride to the dealers for a replacement switch. First replacements within 30k miles, so was expecting some failure soon.
Took my 2010 into Southport yesterday for the recall on the fuel pump, that all sorted but they found horn not working, so are going to replace both sets of switchgear next week, FOC :applouse:
No idea, chap I just bought bike off let me know he'd had a letter. I rang Southport and was told there were 2 recalls outstanding on my bike. They did them and said switchgear needs doing as well.
My 2014 has only covered 350 miles, today managed to get time to finally get a go on it and the start switch broke/ jammed just sort of flexes but does not move, bloody annoying can't even ring them till they open on Tuesday. Will be a collection job. Indicator button vague in operation to say the least too, was going to monitor that one but now it will be brought to their attention too, had better ones on my seventies/eighties RD Yamahas. Hopefully this is not going to be the way owning this RR goes.
irritated to say the least, after researching on here seems many others have had same, mines a new 2014.
oh well rant over, sorry for that but just found out it seems to be a rather long in the tooth fault . Cheers all :)
Same jammed on my HP4 , collection job...bloody annoying as they must know it's a fault , so why are they not replacing them with upgrade before they leave the showrooms
Mine went in for a service last week and they changed both switches for free.
Right indicator wasn't working.
2010 bike.
Sump Replacement Success

Thought I'd post something as this thread was useful to me in getting my corroded sump replaced FOC.

My 2013 S1kRR with under 5k on the clock, was bought in Jan from dealer with 2yr BMW used warranty. In June this year after ~2500 miles I thought I should do an intermediate oil/filter change. Got all the stuff & removed belly pan only to find the that sump was corroded round the sump-plug - it looked like if I took out the plug it was never going to seal again. Decided not to touch it and contacted local dealer about warranty repair. Turns out 'corrosion' not covered by the extended warranty.......but dealer persuaded BMW to replace it FOC as 'goodwill gesture'.

So good result all round :acne:

Though mine didn't look as bad as some photos posted here - it really does look like material defect to me. I've had 20 year old cars & bikes with cast and alloy engines that survived the heavily salted Scottish roads better. (My S1K has lived in SE England all its life as far as I can see from its history)
Didn’t want to start a new post, but mine was replaced yesterday under warranty. Is a 2017 model.

Thanks for posting! Thats a bit worrying on a 2017. I thought this was a poor alloy issue only on earlier bikes. I'll need to look out for any corrosion on the new one I had replaced last year on my 2013.

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