Reduced Power


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Ste M

Well-known member
S1000RR Supporter
Jan 21, 2020
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Hello, I've got a 2020 RR. I had it mapped a few years ago by the great Phil Crowe, I dont use it a lot now but the last few times I've been out on it, when I say few times, then one of them was last year, Ive noticed an issue where I lose power and it kind of goes into limp mode.

It only seems to happen at lowish speed, say around 30-50 and if Im in a highsih gear so 4th or 5th. If I go to open the throttle up it cuts power. I then get a warning message up saying reduced power and it kind of goes into like a limp mode. If I then turn the power off and on again its all ok. I can actually clutch the bike, turn the ignition off and then start her back up within a second or two and its ok.

Other than this the bike runs perfect. Its happened with a full tank and also low fuel and mid fuel so its not that. Anyone got any ideas?


Mine did this a few times with regards to the message and a sort of limp mode but always from start up, I’d switch it off and back on and usually it would clear and be fine thereafter, once or twice I’d have to switch it off and back on a few times before it cleared.

It could be a sensor being temperamental of a low voltage problem, best bet is get it connected up to a diagnostic tool to see what fault codes it’s thrown up and go from there. Other than that check all sensor connections etc and grounds, make sure they are all good.