rear calliper


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May 13, 2023
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hi.i have a 2011 s1000rr with 20000 kilometres.
my rear calliper is sticking. it?s not the piston that?s moving freely. the calliper is seized too the bracket. with the wheel off the calliper won?t slide either way. even after applying lots of pressure. i?ve spent hours on line and can?t find anything helpful. if anyone on here could give me some advice it would be greatly appreciated. thanks
Re: rear calliper issue

hi.i have a 2011 s1000rr with 20000 kilometres.
my rear calliper is sticking. it?s not the piston that?s moving freely. the calliper is seized too the bracket. with the wheel off the calliper won?t slide either way. even after applying lots of pressure. i?ve spent hours on line and can?t find anything helpful. if anyone on here could give me some advice it would be greatly appreciated. thanks
you need to take it apart and grease the pins with red rubber grease
i got it apart eventually. it looked like the rubber seal was fitted wrong form the factory and and over time and heat efftctly held the slider pin tight as a weld. too take it apart i had to file down the carrier too expose the seized pin and the use a lump hammer and a punch too free it. lithely had ta hit it 30 ya 40 times too get it out! never come across anything like it. i?ve ordered a new bracket and pin. in total i spent 4 hrs online looking at forums and nobody seems too have had the same issue. i 15 minute job changing break pads turned in too a 5 hour job! ???
ya it sure is. i fitted sintered pads so now at least it feel there?s a bit of bite when you press on it.
the bike has had a sized back break since i bought it and never taut too have a look at it so i always taut ? shity back break, just have ta stand on it? until i went ta change the pads. my last 3 bikes in the last 7 years wer R1s and i was just thinking it?s a completely bike. ??
with the problems i had with the RR im seriously considering going back too the r1s. the bmw feels much more like a road bike and in more comfortable but in 7 years of yamaha all i ever replaced was a starter relay. well and an enging but that was my own fault
stick with it, great bike, had mine 9 years and love it. Funnily enough I'm just getting my old R1 (4xv) back on the road, it's been in the back of the garage since 2011 (when I got a GSXR) fuel system is horribly gummed up, still hoping to get it running today, will be interesting to see the difference.
is the 4xv the last of the carby R1s? if it is that was my first R1s i?d love ya still have but it was a tec writeoff. a tiny hairline crack in the frame
if love too post a pic but can?t seem to. it was R1 blue with glitter mixed in with the clear laqor coat
4xv was first one then 5jj then fuel injected. it's now 25years old and will be doing a couple of vintage club runs this summer, before I part with it (thanks sadiq!).
ive had since 2000 when it was just over a year old with 6000 miles on it. done over 60000 now, but not really used it since 2010.

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