Pride and joy squashed today


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Well-known member
S1000RR Supporter
Feb 15, 2015
Reaction score
Bridlington, East Yorkshire
Hi Guys,

Some kind soul side swiped me in traffic today. pulled left with no indication, notice or reason. In a nutshell my NSF faring and left leg stoved her front wing in (right back to the inner wing- quite shocked really) and destroyed fairing, engine case slider, indicator, left clip on, clutch lever, belly pan and my boot! Cant believe how much damage there was for saying I was doing 10-15mph. My leg was knacking too. It's not too bad now.

She admitted she was at fault and clearly told me that she didn't look, so I can't see insurance being such an issue. I felt a bit bad TBH as I blew my top but when I saw how upset she was I apologised for shouting as she was in bits. She'd only been driving for 4 months. :apologetic:

Reported to bennetts and they said they would get their repair agent '4th Dimension' to get in touch tomorrow. I asked if this repair coudl be completed by my dealer as the bike is almost new and I only want it worked on by trained BMW technicians- not a bad request in my eyes. The guy on the phone got a bit shirty, so I left it at that. After taking advice from the dealer, I phoned BMW recovery had have had t recovered to the dealer.

Am I right in thinking the choice is mine where the bike gets repaired?

Any advice/experience of Bennetts claims would be appreciated.

Cheers in advance :)
Sorry to hear that... sounds like a fair bit of damage.. if I were you id stick to your guns... get it repaired by BMW...

stuarts phone
That's not good news, pleased your leg not badly hurt despite the damage to the bike.

The last time I dealt with Bennetts I had the same response hence why I will no longer insure my bikes with them. I went straight to the insurance underwriter, AXA, and requested that the bike be assessed and repaired by my local dealership and not a third party. They had absolutely no issue with this and it sped up the entire claims process.
Hope you're physically feeling better soon. Get a check up done if you're at all troubled because you need an official record if you're to claim anything later.
Hope your ok CDP, bit of a pisser but worse things happen. Deffo get your dealer to sort it, you never know how good your insurance is until you need to claim.

Good advice from RyS1000RR, I work for a large insurance company and I agree go direct to the underwriting company and deal with them.
Thanks All,

I've now done that. Bennetts are more interested in a personal injury claim than anything else. I called Zenith today and it became apparent that despite the reassurances of Bennetts, they had not yet informed Zenith. Told Zenith that it had been recovered to the supplying dealer, they were more than happy with it. In my own naivety I didn't realise you were responsible for your excess until the claim was settled which is a bit of a kick in the nuts as my excess is ?600! - especially when the 3rd party admitted liability at the scene...

Few Photos of the carnage!!!

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Don't pay too much attention to what third party's sat at the scene, they often change their minds after their insurance company tells them not admit liability.
did you have any witnesses ?
It has been my misfortune to have to deal with two non fault claims in the last 18 months. In both cases the other party admitted liability and their insurance companies had no policy for stipulating who repaired the bikes and were therefore more than happy to let my dealer do the work.

I don't know if arranging delivery of the bike to your dealer forces their hand on this, but you should all keep the BMW assistance number in your phone. Obviously you get 2 years cover on a new bike anyway, but even beyond this BMW will recover your bike to a neraby BMW dealer in the event of an accident whether you have BMW assistance or not. It might only be when the bike isn't rideable (thats how I found out).
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Bike is being inspected, but on initial inspection it appears there is something untoward at the front end. They think that the forks could have moved or could even be bent. As of 3pm yesterday bennets hadn't even informed the underwriter of the incident. Now they know and confirmed that it's not a problem for me to chose my repairer. Let's hope the damage ends up being superficial... Can't be having to run a fourth s1000rr in :)
Some kind soul side swiped me in traffic today. pulled left with no indication, notice or reason. In a nutshell my NSF faring and left leg stoved her front wing in (right back to the inner wing- quite shocked really) and destroyed fairing, engine case slider, indicator, left clip on, clutch lever, belly pan and my boot!

At the risk of seeming pedantic, if dopey bint turned left, how come the damage is on the left side or your bike and the right side of her car?
Hopefully fault won't be disputed, but if it is, it helps to get the details straight.

My leg was knacking too. It's not too bad now.

As Alex said, get it checked out.

She admitted she was at fault and clearly told me that she didn't look, so I can't see insurance being such an issue.

If it went to court, she would need the judge's permission to recant her admission of fault. Apparently the rationale is that you would presumably have secured evidence at the scene if liability was disputed.

Reported to bennetts and they said they would get their repair agent '4th Dimension' to get in touch tomorrow.

Personally I would never claim through my own insurer if the other party was 100% at fault.
At the risk of seeming pedantic, if dopey bint turned left, how come the damage is on the left side or your bike and the right side of her car?
Hopefully fault won't be disputed, but if it is, it helps to get the details straight.

As Alex said, get it checked out.

If it went to court, she would need the judge's permission to recant her admission of fault. Apparently the rationale is that you would presumably have secured evidence at the scene if liability was disputed.

Personally I would never claim through my own insurer if the other party was 100% at fault.

Can you make a claim direct to the other persons insurance? I thought that was what your insurer was supposed to do for you? isnt that the whole point of having an insurance representative?
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Yes it's a lot less hassle to let your own insurance company deal with it.
You may have to approach the other company for any uninsured losses though.
Trouble is timing. You can only get the repair authorised with an acceptance of the 3rd party insurance company to take it on. Your dealer will want someone to pay, and doesn't care who. Quickest repair is to claim from your insurance company, as if you are comp you have control to do this, but is also a pain. Regardless of what anyone says at the scene always get a witness. 3rd party is worth their weight in gold in a claim situation.
well its now 7 months on and still not sorted out. Got my bike back 31/12/16 after nearly 4 months at the dealership. Some parts were on back order. I wasn't too bothered once it got to the end of September as the weather wasn't the best to ride out anyway.

Got to go for a medical at the request of my Solicitor (Got White Dalton on the case as the firm that Bennets recommended were south side of useless)

3rd party's insurer is now saying I had cut across their client and run into her, not the other way around as it was. They stated that I apparently cut in to her line of traffic and when realized I didn't have enough room I have hit her car. Strange one that when the traffic was stopped waiting for traffic lights to change and she was within a metre or two of the car in front- I can handle a bike but I can't do tricks!

Should have it settled before my licence is due for renewal in 2042 with any luck!
bloody hell mate , what a ball ache, my wife had the same **** with a non fault car accident took months to sort , and even though it was a non fault accident in the end when it was all sorted it still put her insurance up, bastards the lot of them.... well mabey apart from bemoto our forum partner , time will till when someone has to claim.

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