Nintendo V Sega


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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2015
Reaction score
Dumbarton, Scotland
I lost a few years of my life playing my SNES and Megadrive, theres a documentary on Sky 114 tonight at 1am looks worth a watch...

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Used to love a bit of super tennis on the SNES when I was a kid....

i was always a sega child,graduating from my first console, an Atari 2600, Amstrad 464 was my 1st PC,then onto the 128 with built in disc drive,cant beat block graphics :)
I actually grew up right at the star of gaming, and thanks to my dad, I grew up playing 'games consoles' I started on the amiga, then went into NES, SNES, Master system, Mega drive, then went through various generations of new consoles from dream cast, through all Playstations and Xboxes, I have a quite costly and well speced gaming Pc for playing games in my spare time now.

But yet I still now have a raspberry Pi, that runs an emulator and I play super Mario bros(NES), super Mario bros ALL STARS(SNES) and sonic(SEGA) various versions, every so often as those games still have a solid place in my heart, and I can play them over and over.
I bought two SNES Minis a couple of years ago, sold one to Duncan on here...Started playing Link to The Past which I hadn't played since 92... must rate as one of the all time greats, what a game, the dungeon puzzles were brilliantly thought out, that and Super Metroid another absolute classic, brilliant puzzles and upgrades to the next level....long live Samus.

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