Been one piece shopping over the last few weekends and love the alpinestars I'm no Italian at 5"10 and about 19st...yeah honestly..Walt disney shape lol
I tried on an eu 58 alpinestars phantom,which to my suprise fitted lovely..but I wanted the chaser in black white n flo ordered the eu58 for me..popped back to buy today and it was tiny..tried a 60.they had in black and it was marginally for those who have bought these things over the sizing in one brand known to be very hit n miss ? Are these diffrent suits just diffrent size in general..both are entry level an seem very similar I go for a more.forgiving brand or do I need custom and if so who...we've got scott leathers up here in the North east...I'm gutted..the chaser in colours was stunning
I tried on an eu 58 alpinestars phantom,which to my suprise fitted lovely..but I wanted the chaser in black white n flo ordered the eu58 for me..popped back to buy today and it was tiny..tried a 60.they had in black and it was marginally for those who have bought these things over the sizing in one brand known to be very hit n miss ? Are these diffrent suits just diffrent size in general..both are entry level an seem very similar I go for a more.forgiving brand or do I need custom and if so who...we've got scott leathers up here in the North east...I'm gutted..the chaser in colours was stunning