My 2011 BMW S1000RR in Yellow


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On the road again........ back on the bike last few days commuting and it feels goooood! I don't have a car licence so basically haven't been riding for 4 months, **** forgot how fast it was......
That rim-stripes looks awesome!
A little question to you sir: How did you like the quality of the GBRacing protection? Good fit?

The quality of GBRacing protectors is very good ~ had a small off on road and they along with R&G crash bungs saved bike from any real damage. Fit is straight forward and spot on (go over standard casing) Think several race teams use GBRacing products so nuf said!
Well had the first wee "proper" run on the bike Friday there, me and ma bro, just some of our favourite local back roads and a run down the coast to Largs, basically a shakedown to make sure nothing fell of the bike.... :ambivalence:

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cheers soof, my bros rsv4 is lovely , it's not been without its mechanical woes typical Italian, sounds amazing tho.....
Your bikes looking awesome David, I do like bikes that are a bit different to the mainstream. I can't remember ever seeing a yellow one in the flesh, quite rare like the acid green one.

I'll keep an eye out for you, enjoy the summer.

cheers Jimmy, will hopefully bump into you, you too if we get one..... lol
Looks good mate. i wouldnt worry to much about the fit of the seat cowl mine is genuine and the fit on that is terrible.
cheers jordan , good to know I thought it was just the cheap Chinese rubbish I bought lol , colour is terrible tho.... must get it painted.......
fitted my new chain and sprockets yesterday couldn't believe how manky it was under the front sprocket cover, must clean more often, feels and looks much better.
Just a heads up to anyone doing this the front sprocket cover is a bugger to get off! all the bolts have lock tight on them I nearly rounded the first one.......

Thanks again to Stephen for supplying.

How much better does a bike look with new chain and sprockets. I'm liking those Evotech pillion foot peg plates as well Davey, other than the sprocket cover was it a fairly straight forward swap over? Did you mess around with the gearing or just keep it standard?
it really does look better mate , the standard chain was gubbed no matter what I did it was always rusty, I the wee foot rest blanks are nice quite expensive for what they are tho, pretty straight forward iain hardest bit is having the patience to join the new link and rivet, slow process to keep checking it's all seating probably the last thing i wanted to do way over crush the master link, gearing is all standard never felt the need to change it so far.
Mine is about due a new chain its probably on its limit, yet another expense (money pits haha) Yeh they are a nice addition, tidy the arse end up a treat. I remember changing the chain on my gixxer was a slow process joining the new link, like you say didnt want to crush it.
will do, I will probably get a bulk job done by stephen. 18k service, oil leak sorted, Chain & sprocket set all in a oner as i will be travelling few hours to his spot. Might as well get it all done togeher.
Had my second track night of the year on Friday at knockhill, me my Bro ryan and my mate stu, weather was a bit ropey again! the track was wet when we turned up but had started to dry when we first got out , damp patches everywhere and feeling cold didn't make for a confidence inspiring first few laps ,plus on the very first lap the guy in front of me crashed on the second corner...... also virtually the whole time i was on track there was "psychological" rain on my visor, don't know if any of you have experienced that , but it's hard to make yourself push when the track looks dry but you have to keep clearing your visor?? bit unnerving lol and my confidence is low on track at the mo, haven't found me feet since my crash last year which is annoying.

Anyway here's a few pics from the night.

I am the "stocky" one in the middle with the specs

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