Loch Lomond Loop - Friday 5th August 2016


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See youse in a bit, just been polishing my boots for tomorrow. Think Stuart's polishing his helmet in anticipation, had a strange phone call from him earlier, I heard in the background someone taking about inserting a Lady finger somewhere. I was shocked. Lol

have a great day guys , weathers looking good and am stuck in sh#t work......
We have arrived for lunch in Oban. Few spots of rain but generally dry and great riding.
Lunch was at the green hut, THE place to eat seafood in Oban and it was very good. Oysters, scallops and mussels all washed down with a can of ginger beer (I'm in Scotland afterall).


After lunch the weather started to go bad. Not in the forecast but it is Scotland - so a few wet bits and a few dry bits. A stop for a brew and then back to the hotel. A full day out, which could've been drier but it was fun nonetheless. Thanks for the tour chaps :).



Great to meet Shad and catch up with Jimmy and Stuart again. Until the next time....
Absolutely brilliant place to ride with great roads and amazing scenery. Thanks for the ride out lads! Was great fun and great to meet you guys. Whenever you're in Ireland let me know.
It was a great day out early doors.. me and Jimmy met Soof at Cameron House for a buffet breakfast which was absolutely fantastic.. I live about 3 miles from CH and I was late..I did have a valid excuse tho..honest guv.

Shad met us at 10am as arranged so we set off North up Loch Lomondside, the roads were nice and almost clear, some nice crisp overtaking left us with a clear run up the "Rest and Be Thankful" to Inverary for fuel and our first stop.

Next we had followed the coast toward Lochgilphead and on to Oban.. its worth noting that usually amazing route has been truly fucked up at present with about 15 miles of the road resurfaced road with scattered chips reducing speeds and adhesion substatially....cheapskate council bastards.

Anyhow arrived in Oban and headed straight for the shellfish bar. We hoovered a dozen oysters, langoustine tails and queen scallops in garlic butter and mussels in garlic and wine...amazing. Spent some time there, decided to get a move on and headed off toward Fort William via the Connel Bridge, the weather took a turn for the worse so we decided to turn back and head to Dalmally and Tyndrum stopping at Glen Coe village for petrol and a cup of tea.

With no real improvement in the weather we then set off for the Welly and home. Jimmy split at Crianlarich, me Soof and Shad nicked on down Loch Lomond side to Cammy House where we all separated. Was a great day out however the weather took the fun out of it for me, but meeting the lads made up for it...all in all a good day out but could have been a classic if it was dry...

stuarts phone
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Had a great day, love meeting up with genuine guys and having a run out. Cheers for the full breakfast Soof help with my diet no end, lol. The seafood no doubt was great to eat but not my cup of tea at all, would rather have had an ice-cream but Stuart is banned fron the best ice-cream shop in the West of Scotland, the places that man can't go!!!! Lol
Great to meet up with Shad pronounced George and not Jorge, hope the rest of your tour is better weather wise.
After I separated from you guys the rain stopped and the sun was out all the way home from Killin, glorious late afternoon along Lochearn, Crieff and Gleneagles.

CU all soon

Lol well am not banned.. im just not welcome in the pokey hat... its on tripadvisor if you want to see why.. 😆

stuarts phone
I just read it..........

I think it only fair that if you expect a free sample of ice cream to see if you like it, you should allow people to stay in one of your rental properties for a weekend to see if they really want to live there. LOL

I love the place, its ice-cream is only surpassed by Jannettas Gelateria in my home town of St.Andrews. They will give you a sample big man, but not 38 of them.

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Lol if you read my mate Andys review Jimmy she goes on to name me lol... shes going to call the police.. ffs... ill go in and see her next time im up and make the peace with her.. shes aff her heid lol

stuarts phone
Haha, she'll maybe start stalking you. You'll wake up one morning with a ponies heid in your bed and your Iguana in a boiling pot.

Watch you don't get bail conditions banning you from the ice-cream shop, that will be three places you can't go....... Public swimming pools, playgrounds and ice-cream shops!!!!! What will you do with your time? Hahaha

Best you buy her some flowers and eat some humble pie, I've had to do similar on a few occasions, you'll be pleasantly surprised how much better people treat you when you admit sometimes being an erse.

I have on more than one occasion been a tube, the secret is to realise when you canny win and say sorry, you'll maybe get your hole with the old dear. I canny stop laughing.

Haha, she'll maybe start stalking you. You'll wake up one morning with a ponies heid in your bed and your Iguana in a boiling pot.

Watch you don't get bail conditions banning you from the ice-cream shop, that will be three places you can't go....... Public swimming pools, playgrounds and ice-cream shops!!!!! What will you do with your time? Hahaha

Best you buy her some flowers and eat some humble pie, I've had to do similar on a few occasions, you'll be pleasantly surprised how much better people treat you when you admit sometimes being an erse.

I have on more than one occasion been a tube, the secret is to realise when you canny win and say sorry, you'll maybe get your hole with the old dear. I canny stop laughing.


Flowers....nae chance... pretty much everything she wrote is made up lol... but I will go drop in... that way next time we can hold hands and go in together Jimmy !... how's that sound ?
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Tripadvisor was a funny read. Consistent theme. I'm going to have to go in and get something next time I am in Oban.
Flowers....nae chance... pretty much everything she wrote is made up lol... but I will go drop in... that way next time we can hold hands and go in together Jimmy !... how's that sound ?

Ill go in first and get my cone, wouldn't want her spitting in it if she thought we were together. Lol
I'll hang around long enough to see how you remove her brush shaft oot yer ring piece.
