How to use QuickShifter


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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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Hi, Sorry for the really dumb question but I have no idea how to use a quickshifter

Let's say I'm in 1st gear going 70mph, Do I just simply hit it up into 2nd gear? While full throttle or do I need to let off? Cause when I try it doesnt work sometimes and gets stuck

Please tell me I'm being stupid or something.

hi mate , just keep the throttle pinned and bash it up through the box , works at most revs but the higher the better I find , gets quite addictive lol
Thank you I'll have to try it again, Just seems to be really hard to shift up, maybe I'm not doing it hard enough
i dont use it from 1st to 2nd but after that just go for it. if you have a faulty clutch switch due to incorrect lever swapping or the qs is out of sync then it may not feel like its working right. should shift fairly easily.
Check your chain is adjusted correctly too as this can affect quickshifter use.

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I had same problem but it turned out i didnt have the throttle open fully, i hardly ever use mine. Too used to the clutch from previous bikes
You don't need the throttle fully open. As long as you are accelerating you should be able to shift up no problem. If holding steady speed quickshift will not work. I love it!

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I'll have to give it another go guys. Thanks for this.
If you're using light throttle then you need to unload the chain via the throttle and it will click in no worries - can even downshift that way to if you're just cruising along.
I had same problem but it turned out i didnt have the throttle open fully, i hardly ever use mine. Too used to the clutch from previous bikes
Ill actually second this comment....I might use it 5th to 6th at times but I prefer manual changes...downshifts are my favourite Im manual on them anyhow... canny beat no brakes and getting your gearing bang on for the corner..Galloway Forest excluded 😀

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Just tried it and oh my god I love it, the sound.

Can I downshift like this too with no clutch?
Afraid no downshift blipper,only on 15/16 models.

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Do those who have ridden various models think the 2015/16 quick shifter is smoother / easier to use than the early bikes? I only test rode Gen 1 and 2 but from memory they weren't as slick.
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the gen 3 is much smoother than the gen 1, ive not tried a gen 2. the gen 3 is so smooth its almost like you could think it into gear. :)

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