Hotbodies rear under tail


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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2012
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Got a hotbodies undertail from the states and got it fitted today, if you've got a couple of hours to fettle the shape and don't mind getting it resprayed its not a bad product. The end result looks good

I've got one of those, bought mine from a guy on eBay. How did you huck up the wires..? And did they need resistors? If so which ones did you use?

As you can probably guess I haven't fitted mine yet. Haha
Cut the plug off the existing indicators and number plate light and joined them with some heat shrink butt connectors so i can still remove it by unplugging the connector and did not cut the main harness. Yes you do need resistors, got some off ebay for about ?3, i had to adjust mine with a needle file quite a lot to make it fit
Got any photos of it under the pillion seat/cowl? Just to illustrate the wiring.
Not that clear to see but wire it as follows

Brown on the plug is earth, wire all three black wires to it

green is number plate light, wire it to the red out of the number plate led

wire the resistors inline on the positive to the two indicators, one per side, blue/black wire is the right hand feed, blue/red wire is the left hand feed