hi all new owner here advice please


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My old R1 and now the S1000rr are the only bikes i've owned that i havent used all year round as my only transport as i passed my car test. From the age of 16-30 i only had a bike licence, I dont regret it but having a car now and being able to keep my toy nice is

1, more practical
2, saves me a fortune
3, safer
4, keeps points of my licence!

Same as you, from 16, I'm now 30 only have bike license (SWMBO is pushing for car license now)

Only ever got 6 points, the evening before my test I was out on my ZX9 (getting some more practise ofcourse) and was pulled, passed next day so when I went to court I was all legal, pleaded and fibbed with sob stories and got 6 points and £150 fine.

Being polite when pulled over goes a long way I've found, and i always manage to find way to mention my Granddad is a retired officer and my sister is a prison officer. Seems to help lol.
4 times i've lost my licence, I dont fancy losing it again. In the last 5 years i've managed to keep my licence clean other than 3 points for speeding in 2011 and a speed awareness course this year.
My riding style has "grown up" leaps and bounds in the past 3 years when wife became pregnant with our 1st.
Well today the bike actually got a wash. Not by me but coming home from work I saw a charity car wash being done by kids £1 (was a local school thing). With how dirty my bike was I couldn't resist, hell would cost me more than £1 in water and electric to do it at home myself. And I had 4 10 year old boys all fighting to wash my bike.
They actually did a very good job, more effort than I would of put in to it. One boy spent 20 minutes just cleaning my rear wheel.

However :moody:
It wasn't without it's downsides.
1: they held the pressure washer so close to wheel it flaked off 50% of my rim tape.
2: one kid squirted god knows how many litres of water straight down the exhaust with the pressure washer, he thought it would clean the engine. Bike started and a small wheelie helped remove most of the water
3: they pressure washed license plate to close and it ripped off the plastic over the top of the letters, meaning my numbers will fade rapidly.

Having a clean bike has it's curses though, makes all the little chips, scratches and flaws show up more.


Now a question for some of you more cleaning minded than me. Any recommendations on a product that will clean off the tar, rubber and oil from the swing arm and fork bottoms (less elbow grease the better). And any product to help restore my black frame to black, it's water damaged.

Your'll also notice, it's garaged, first time in almost a year i think.

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