Hi Nick, I'm a bit of a newbie round these here parts myself.
When do you get the bike again? I am only asking 'cos do you have time to have it checked out by the dealer or someone who knows what they are doing so that it is fixed specifically for you?
I only ask 'cos I wonder how it's set up for the previous owner? Could be totally wrong for you.....can you get them to set it up for you suspension wise? I'm thinking... if you are a little trepiditious about it all - then this may go a bit towards making it feel more like 'yours' right from the off and may stop those bad habits before they even start.
While I kind of agree with most of the others re not worrying too much about what mode it's in - rain / sport / race - in the end you will do what you want to do - and thats the point - same as riding in a group - don't feel you need to keep up (or jump straight into slick mode so's not to feel a bit of a wuss) - take it in your own time.
When I was younger - the excuse I used to use when hiding behind my lack of ehhh - finesse - shall we say - was...... That 'It's not yours 'til you've bent it' - but now at the age that I am I can see that for what it was - something to hide behind. And with the price of these things - the last thing you want to do is bend it.
You will know when it's time to switch modes - and it'll be soon enough.
The only other bit of advice I can give is how are the tyres? I know my own is really quite sensitive to tyre wear - there's no light on the dashboard to tell you they have gone off - it creeps up on you from the fact that it starts to be difficult to get round corners and wants to go wide on corners

- something definitely to be aware of. It came to me and I thought it was me who had lost the 'ability' or mojo or whatever - I was saying repeatedly ...WTF is the matter with you boy = what are you doing?......But then I noticed the tyre on the back :-[ It didn't take me too long to get it like that either :

So enough of all that - Weather in Cumbria has been effin fantastic today and I don't know if it's sunburn or windburn on my cheeks ;D - but I have enjoyed every minute of it.
I was.... ahem .........testing the K & N filter I fitted this morning
Cheers .......BB