Drop bike now oil leak


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Active member
Dec 30, 2016
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Absolutely gutted for some stupid reason I took the rider aids off the bike but with other variables thrown in the mix i.e. Summer tyres in the winter wet cold road and a 25 metre oil spill led me to skidding & dropping the bike once I opened the throttle was doing about 30mph anyway stator case has a hole in it with loads of oil coming out of it.

BMW reckon there's also an oil leak coming from somewhere and need to strip it down, I've already got two non Fault claims so claiming through insurance will just send my insurance through the roof
First things
Hope you're okay. Bikes can be replaced !

Any pictures of the damage?
Can you replace any parts with seconds off evilbay?
I'll upload some pics the stator case has a hole in it and most of the parts I can get but BMW are going to have to strip the engine down to find oil leak etc etc

Im ok clavicle shoulder joint thingy slightly out of place but ok
Gutted for you mate, nothing worse, my friend done the same thing on his R6 a few years ago , he drained the oil, cleaned everything and put a new gasket and cover on the bike filled it up with new oil, inspected it for leakes , bike was fine after that. might be worth a try before you go down the strip down route ? at worst it will cost the price of a new casing etc and will let you see if there are any secondary leaks? the only thing that would concern me would be if anything go knocked into the casing opening.
Mmmh sounds good but it's still under warranty so if there is anything in there engine floating around and then appears later and kills the engine I'll be screwed again.
Plus BMW are saying there is a leak somewhere else so it needs stripping down

unsure what to do at this stage.
Its a tough one mate, I assume that's part of the reason the want to strip it, have BMW been more specific about what the strip down involves? is it engine out and full disassemble?
Sorry to read you've had an off.

Have they provided any detail of where the other leak is coming from? Pictures?
Feel for you Rob but as Westy says as long as you are alright then the bike can be fixed.
Bit of a bummer though, don't let it affect your biking though. Just keep it in rain mode during the winter, you will look just as cool to the admiring crowds.

Take care.
