Determining if bike has been tracked from new


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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2017
Reaction score
Just posted this in the US forum but looking for as much input as possible...

Put a despot down on a 2016 in Motorsport colours with only ~1,050km (~600miles?).
The bike has had the following items fitted by the previous owner:
- Gilles rearsets
- Stompgrip tank pads
- GB racing engine protection covers
- Original exhaust system fitted back on (by BMW) after full Akropovic system fitted by owner.

Bike is being sold by official BMW dealer.
Can BMW determine through the ecu if the bike was modified to remove the 9,000rpm limit prior to the 1000km service (service done by the same dealer)?
Would they check all of this before agreeing to accept the bike as a trade-in?

Previous owner has also had 90 degree valves fitted to wheels and tyres don't look to have been ridden by experienced rider(worn but big chicken strips). Which leads me to think these wheels have been on since new and the previous owner just did a bunch of mods and ended up no liking the bike or the experience?
(He traded the bike for a new car apparently)

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Hi Cobo, if the Aussie dealers are like the ones in the UK they would not put out a bike in their showroom that wasn't absolutely perfect as they will be sticking the approved used warranty on it. If it was dubious at all they would sell it on down the trade route rather than risk any comeback or bad press.

If the service was done by the dealer I would be confident that the restrictor was taken off at the correct mileage.
If the wheels are the forged ones they are 90 degree valves as standard.

Rest easy fella and enjoy your bike, lucky bugger being in the sun. Scotland is as cold as a "Hoors heart" at the moment. (You might have to google that one, lol.)

If it's all been done by BMW dealer, every bit of work will be invoiced, even if it didn't occur a bill for the buyer, even warranty work draws an invoice, it is still billed internally by BMW.
Therefore this paper trail will hold all the evidence required.
Thanks for the feedback guys.
I had a good feeling about the dealer and the bike, and I would assume BMW being the premium brand they are wouldn't officially sell something they weren't comfortable with etc...
Just being paranoid I guess...
Track Use

I really wouldn't worry about it being used on track and with such low mileage it's probably unlikely that it ever was.
Re: Track Use

...Scotland is as cold as a "Hoors heart" at the moment. (You might have to google that one, lol.)

I had a feeling it was what it sounded like but it actually took some googling to confirm!