Interesting....I take it that you have yr advanced? I havn't and please don't think this is any criticism, just my 40ish years experience on the road (and yes, tests were around then

1/ adding main beam could be construed as the start of a flash (just like going over a bump, had that before) and isn't blinding someone incorrect use?
2/ Positioning on the left of yr lane approaching a junction with a vehicle in it waiting to proceed? Are you also saying once past the danger point on the right there's enough time/space to move to the centre line to avoid the danger on the left? There's a possibility the red truck hadn't seen the rider and pulled out to go left, what then?
3/ Agree but why the hell do we have to dress up in that garb to make up for other peoples shortfalls? If they can't see a headlight bouncing around ......
4/ It's a little more difficult to make eye contact with someone 8-10 feet in the air lol I always watch wheels with lorries.
This thread is old but still makes you think.