Cordona Quck Shifter


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Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
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Hi guys

I'm looking at possibly buying a Cordona QS. I know Baz has one fitted and rates it really highly. Just wondering if anyone else has one fitted ? If so, how do you find it ?

Baz, if your reading this I'd defo like to hear more about your Cordona shifter

Hi hopper

I fitted one to my blade before i got the s1000rr i absolutely
would recommend one as there stand alone unit and can set to
how you want it
Hi Russ,
Yes,I can thoroughly recommend them.
If you're not buying one just yet we can have a chat about it on the 6th at Snet.I can bring the instructions for you to look at.I can bring the bike too if you want to see the installation(you never know,someone might have to go early and I can have their place!)
Thanks for that Baz. The next time I'm at Snett will be the double header with NL on the 20th/21st May. Are you booked on to either of these ?
There is also the Annetori RL. These are made by HM but dont have all the funtionality/adjustment, but should be enough for TD etc, whilst saving a lot of dosh ;)