Car Insurance, yawn


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Apr 24, 2017
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Afternoon Gents.
My lad is turning 17 soon and I'm investigating putting him on my car insurance. I'm due to renew anyway and Go compare quotes are coming back with ?1K extra on my policy.
I've got a Skoda Superb Estate (family man, that's me), 4x4 280ps version (not such a family man then). Quotes are ?450 ish for me and the missus, ?1,500 with the boy.
What do you lot do? Any thoughts welcome, with or without the boy for that matter as ?450 aint cheap.
My kids are a few years off driving but people we know tend to get the smallest cc cheapest car possible for their kids to keep the cost down. Putting them on their own policy will give them the ncd start to get the premiums down in later years. I recently bought a 58 plate citroen c3 as a city runabout for ?2k, I think something like that would be ideal (although it isnt cool enough for 17 year old lol). Unfortunately that age group is the highest risk, and rightly so when you see the statistics.
When I passed my driving test I was insured as a named driver on my parents policy (car was a Mini One).
So long as your son is genuinely not the principle driver, then it?s perfectly legit and saves a considerable amount vs a policy in his own name.
The down side is you don?t gain any NCB, but in my experience this paled in comparison to the saving early on being a named driver.

One thing I would recommend your son do after passing his test, is do ?Pass Plus?. It?s a good little scheme and apparently yields an insurance discount.
The only other thing you can do to keep the premium down is to consider increasing the excess
Get him something cool but over 25years old. Classic car tax and generally cheaper to buy/insure.

He needs to earn NCD.

- Sent from a magical lightbox
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Afternoon Gents.
My lad is turning 17 soon and I'm investigating putting him on my car insurance. I'm due to renew anyway and Go compare quotes are coming back with ?1K extra on my policy.
I've got a Skoda Superb Estate (family man, that's me), 4x4 280ps version (not such a family man then). Quotes are ?450 ish for me and the missus, ?1,500 with the boy.
What do you lot do? Any thoughts welcome, with or without the boy for that matter as ?450 aint cheap.

Sounds cheap to me, I think my mate paid ?1500 for his daughter to drive a 2 grand Fiesta, mind you he later insured her on a 330d...! I saw on some car programme that its worth looking at older family cars (Volvo estate was one of them...) as they're safer than something like a Corsa but cheaper to insure, might be worth doing some 'what if's' on Go Compare to see what's what
My daughter is coming to her 1st year of no claims discount, which will let her drive the ?green machine? she bought a month ago (currently sat on the drive looking a bit sad). Her current car, which she bought on the day of passing her test, is a ?04 citroen c2 which cost her 1600 to insure with a black box. With it being the 1.6 vts version, she?s had to learn the art of right foot control.

We we?re going to put her on the missus insurance, but again, she?d need a black box fitting, which meant the missus would have to drive like a 17 year old and of course there was the restricted mileage clause, all of which meant it wasn?t anywhere near convenient to have both ladies share a car.

The green machine is an 11 plate fabia vrs with 180ish bhp. This year, so far, the insurance premium is coming in at just under a grand critically, without a black box. She?ll be tearing the tarmac next month. I?m just worried that unleashing an 18 year old in a respectable little sports car will be like an ex-nun on a night out in newcastle...
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We were quote ?8400 for my daughter to drive a Mini CooperD when she past her test at age 17, crazily enough to same agent told me that if I gave her a part time job within my company it would cost only ?1000 as long as she was carrying out business.
Needless to say she became the Saturday girl posting out admin at all hours when she wasn't at school.
My lad is now 19 and at University, it cost ?1500 for him on the same CooperD but less ?800 on my BMW 320d, it's great to see them getting more adult but It seems I only get to drive a car when it needs filling up........

Touch wood neither of them drive like I did at their age, I had 10 points and a conviction for dangerous driving aged 18 and also got caught twice driving on the road at age 15.

We were quote ?8400 for my daughter to drive a Mini CooperD when she past her test at age 17, crazily enough to same agent told me that if I gave her a part time job within my company it would cost only ?1000 as long as she was carrying out business.
Needless to say she became the Saturday girl posting out admin at all hours when she wasn't at school.
My lad is now 19 and at University, it cost ?1500 for him on the same CooperD but less ?800 on my BMW 320d, it's great to see them getting more adult but It seems I only get to drive a car when it needs filling up........

Touch wood neither of them drive like I did at their age, I had 10 points and a conviction for dangerous driving aged 18 and also got caught twice driving on the road at age 15.


And you went on to be a Policeman !!!!!

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