Bikes and Bus lanes


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Well-known member
S1000RR Supporter
Apr 18, 2016
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Lichfield UK
OK so today I've received a PCN for crossing into a bus lane in Bilston, at least it might be me, it's not my bike but I did have a courtesy bike that day and I assume they've got that right. Will check later...

I've clearly wrongly always assumed that bikes were free to use bus lanes. A search of the internet has thrown up so many conflicted opinions its ridiculous, but certainly no clear guidance.

Anyone with any actual experience/knowledge?
In London the situation is daft. I can ride into London and go through a mix of bus lanes that I can and cannot use (based on the signs in front of each lane), so I believe your basic assumption to be false. Also I'm sure I was told on a Bikesafe course that the police think it's stupid and that there has been anecdotal evidence of leniency when recipients of PCNs have appealed, and lobbying of the mayor's office to rationalise the rule one way or t'other. The issue is that the police think it's better for bikers to use them on safety grounds, but some local councils (who actually decide on who can use a bus lane) feel their evidence points the other way....
Its wholly the discretion of local councils/boroughs.

Most Councils do not allow it outside of London. In London, as it's a mix, it's very confusing, however I think most cops aren't going to cite you for it for that very reason.
Thanks guys It was indeed a CCTV camera. I've just viewed the video footage and it was a ridiculously short distance before the bus lane ended, but not sure that gives me grounds to appeal. More reading required later when I get chance....
Thanks guys It was indeed a CCTV camera. I've just viewed the video footage and it was a ridiculously short distance before the bus lane ended, but not sure that gives me grounds to appeal. More reading required later when I get chance....

Where in bilston buddy , I'm in Dudley but go through Bilston quite a bit, not been done yet but don't want to get done in there, already been done in Wolverhampton

Slick mode ... It's the new legal high !!
Willenhall road mate. But reading council website tonight all Wolverhampton council bus lanes now have ANPR enforcement. According to their website though there are no restrictions on that particular bus lane for hackneys, private hire, doctors, and cycles! I've therefore just appealed given my vehicle is exempt on the basis that the tax classification is "bicycle". Will wait and see but to be honest it's not a huge fine if I pay in 14 days..
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Yep I know it !! Thanks for the heads up, let us know how you get on as I've always had the belief that motorcycles can use bus lanes

Slick mode ... It's the new legal high !!
All bus lanes in Bristol are open for use to bikes. Shame about the blanket 20mph limit though

Whoop!!!! It's taken them some time to decide though....
Just out of interest what is the penalty if you're caught riding in a bus lane that you shouldn't be?
60 quid, down to 30 if paid within 14 days... was the principle of the thing to be honest, that particular bus lane made loads of exceptions and I had always naively thought we could use them too. Obviously not.
Thanks, not too many bus lanes in my neck of the woods but I had assumed you couldn't ride in them unless otherwise stated although much easier and safer to use than flitering down the white line in the middle of the road - another grey area of the law...!
When we had tax discs, my GSXR was classed as 'bycycle'
Nice result in the end RacersEdge, the more I read about the ***** that city bikers have to deal with on a daily basis makes me glad to live in a quiet place.
You all have my sympathy.
