are gs riders *********. lol


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Well-known member
Jul 7, 2012
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lol. came up behind a gs today on the rhayder abber road. as i went to pass him as he was way too slow for how nice the bends were and he moved over to block he then did the same to my missis and as she passed him she gave him the ****** hand anyway he passed me in a 30 limit a little later and as we can out of the limit we repassed him and carried on with the ride. as we slowed to around 60mph and came into rhayder he came down the inside of my missis and either kicked her or caught her with his crash guards. i didnt see all this but at the next junction he stopped next to my missis and told her she wasnt that fast and she couldn't even loose him on his gs. lmfao...we didnt know he wanted a race and were just bimbling along at pace. :) i had all ready turned left so unfortunately missed all this. he must have know she was a woman as her ponytail was out and it says maddy on the back of her leathers. well she also looks like a woman on a anyway if anyones on a gs forum please feel free to shame this ******** for picking on a girl that kicked his arse. lol :)



What was that all about .... how was he even that close that she thought he clipped her or kicked her bike ?.. your right he is a ********
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think he tried to do it to me at one point as well, we are both used to track riding and over enthusiastic riders getting close but if my missis wasn't so confident it would have really upset her. she actually said she was glad i didnt see anything happen or it most likely would have all ended up
That's terrible mate, what a weird person. On the whole, I've found that GS Riders rarely nod and do seem a bit up themselves for some reason. That said, it's unfair to generalise and there was one GS rider who gave me a thumbs up on the opposite side of the traffic lights when we were stationary. Glad nothing serious happened, as if someone is getting that close it could get nasty.

Unfortunately, us Sportsbike riders seem to have a bad reputation with other motorcycle riders. I'm on the Triumph forum too and most people there don't seem to have a very nice opinion of Sportsbike riders, they think we're aggressive and too fast for the roads and that we can be quite intimidating. Myself along with some other Sportsbike riders on the forum keep them in check though to ensure there is balance :)
I had a GSA for 3 years and have to say that the majority of other GS riders I came across were spanners. I think it might have something to do with the age profile of the riders often being in their 'later years' and having a sense of entitlement having returned to bikes for retirement.

During that time I went on a 2 day off road course in Wales with BMW and even there I came across some proper bell ends who consistently ignored the instructors' instructions and liked to argue to toss over any fact they were were given.

Let em get on with it.
Any motorcyclist that hits another to make a point is a danger on the road whatever they ride. Guy should be reported to the police so they can have a word with him about road safety.
I was also a GS rider for many years and enjoyed those days and wouldn?t like them all to be classified the same. So I would take Alex?s advice and definitely report him.
For some reason there seems to be force snobbishness about them. There riding the greatest motorbike for all terrain speeds and conditions tho just stand near theyll tell ya all about it
That's just as stupid as saying all RR riders think they're the fastest and the smartest! :shame:
Knobs in all walk of life. Bikers should be looking out for each other.
I had a GS rider nod back at me on Saturday. Left me in shock it did I tell you.

In a similar vein, you know how BMW and Audi drivers have earned the bad rep? Well for me, it's Dacia Dusters that are the worst. Literally every single one of them I've seen on the road has been driven by a complete ********.
I certainly always nodded when I was a GS rider but not many sports bike riders returned the courtesy.