Any AC/DC fans out there


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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2015
Reaction score
Dumbarton, Scotland
Malcolm Young died today.. I've got a soft spot for them as they were the first band I saw.. Glasgow Apollo April 1978 they recorded 'if you want blood' I was 14 and was in the upper circle the place was bouncing literally. Anyone who was ever at the Apollo will know what I mean. Seen them in May 80 Back to Black tour after Bonn Scott had died..

I still listen to the live album regularly.... sign of the times with all these great stars dying..RIP my man thanks for the memories..


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Yeah he's had alzheimer's or something for a while I think, funny you should post this as I was listening to Rainbow Rising on vinyl, finally got round to hooking up the turntable the missus bought me for my bday to a Denon amp & speakers I bought from a mate - brilliant! Took me right back to my youth, much warmer sound than digital, need to dig the rest of my rock / metal albums out from my parents loft and annoy the neighbours :)
Saw them at the Nec years ago, when the inflatable ?Rosie? came out it was awesome
Seriously good rhythm guitarist.... Rip
Yeah he's had alzheimer's or something for a while I think, funny you should post this as I was listening to Rainbow Rising on vinyl, finally got round to hooking up the turntable the missus bought me for my bday to a Denon amp & speakers I bought from a mate - brilliant! Took me right back to my youth, much warmer sound than digital, need to dig the rest of my rock / metal albums out from my parents loft and annoy the neighbours :)
Haha brilliant Mac. I had Rainbow Rising on vinyl way back in the day.. I've seen loads of heavy metal bands particularly between ages 14 and 18.. Seen Sabbath, Priest, Saxon and Motorhead in 1978 as well good year that...that and going to the record stores in Glasgow and going home with new albums is all gone now Spotify makes it all too easy..

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