A82...Tyndrum...Oban and back


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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2015
Reaction score
Dumbarton, Scotland
Anyone up for doing something tomorrow...DL84 cant make it.

Leave say 730 Dumbarton happy to meet wherever... all weather dependant tho..no point if its raining...

Unfortunately a bit to early a start for me, had a good blast up inverary, green wellie the night, last minute decision to go....kept me off the drink lol
So did I i was up Loch Lomondside 4ish last nite and back down 530.. good blast ... currently in The Welly hoovering a bacon roll and their homemade OJ magic... going to Oban for shellfish...

Took a run up to glencoe yesterday. First long run on the BMW and it was brilliant, just starting to gel with the bike.
The roads up there are great some really fast sections and some great twisties, first time really opening the bike up and wasn't disappointed.
Took a run up to glencoe yesterday. First long run on the BMW and it was brilliant, just starting to gel with the bike.
The roads up there are great some really fast sections and some great twisties, first time really opening the bike up and wasn't disappointed.
Hi mate were you not the guy that had a loom problem ? Take it its sorted


Yes mate, took 5 weeks to get it sorted. Sat in EK for 2 weeks without getting looked at. Got it taken to Dalkeith and they diagnosed the fault in an hour.
Had to wait on a new loom but bikes sorted now fingers crossed.

Just starting to get used to it now it's a beast ��
Sound m8, your Glasgow ?... you need to drive by my place to get to the Glen.. gimme a shout next time your heading out...

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So did I i was up Loch Lomondside 4ish last nite and back down 530.. good blast ... currently in The Welly hoovering a bacon roll and their homemade OJ magic... going to Oban for shellfish...

I was the only bike at the Wellie at 8pm last night, 1st time ive ever seen that