A few little jobs


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Perfect fit and finish.
Moto Modification Parts Store.
Total, £319.39
This looks interesting.
Launch control activation on first gear selection.


  • 1000044061.mp4
    9.3 MB
Looks very nice! What tune\electronic mods are on the bike?
I`m considering doing pair\SAS\canister\intake flapper servo delete just for the sake of removing unnecessary tubing and wiring. What are the benefits other than that?
I asked RS2E when ordering tuning for my 2019, they suggested to not bother with anything other than plugging the fuel vent.
Not sure what else is on that bike. That was sent to me by the tuner I use, one of the updates on their maps.

Apart from the reasons you mentioned, charcoal canister was removed due to it can back flow into tank leaving small particles of charcoal, damaging fuel sender.
Velocity stacks, small power gain. Crank case breather, so it does not warm the intake and no oil in airbox, small power gain. Removed airbox air pump as there was no need for it. Flap delete was because some people mentioned it rattled when mapped open. All these little changes should compliment the tune. Will be having this done at the beginning of June after service. Will feed back then with results.

You should ask RS2E, if you have a firmware update will your map be wiped.
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That video, what's the translation? The RSE2E map goes into LC mode when in first gear, no need to press or hold anything, it won't let you rev the nuts off it.
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That Moto store was for the CF lower fairing.
Just type in S1000RR exhaust. Steel versions from £100.
That video, what's the translation? I think it's lauch control. If so the RSE2E map goes into LC mode when in first gear, no need to press or hold anything, it won't let you rev the nuts off it.
That was on a Brazilian bike. But yes launch control from selecting 1st gear.
Its amazing how good they are at copying other peoples hard work.
It seems there's quite a few well known names that can't make their products for anywhere close to what the Chinese turn them out. So they've given up and transferred manufacture to China. I'm not saying Akra have done that, but the Bursig copy stand I bought for around £120 was pretty good.
That Moto store was for the CF lower fairing.
Just type in S1000RR exhaust. Steel versions from £100.
There's loads, maybe the Gen 4 are a bit dearer, I just looked for mounting springs with rubber hose fitted. As it seems the Chinese springs can snap.
Gen4 or Gen5, same thing.
It wouldn't surprise me if Akra or Arrow got their springs from China.

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