A antena da chave não interfere no funcionamento também?
Vou comprar uma antena nova então.I had a quick look and saw the screen. Didn't notice the ignition.♂
I would think so.
Não aparece nada, não acende nenhuma luz e mensagem do EWSdash won affect it, and if the antenna wasn't working (ignition) then you would (or should art least) get the EWS fault message on the dash
Put power directly into the starter motor to test, do I disconnect the cables and put power directly?Paulo,
As @bananaman is saying above, can you identify the high tension leads to the starter solenoid and put a different charged up 12V battery connection to it?
Agree with starter motor, sounds like not enough current to spin it, just enough to partly activate the solenoid I'd look for bad earth, can you get to the starter and put a direct feed to it? (live and earth)
As @bananaman is saying above, can you identify the high voltage cables for the starter solenoid and put a different charged 12V battery connection on it? The starter motor positive lead position is shown below. The positive lead position of the starter motor is shown below "2"
I agree with the starter, it seems that there is not enough current to turn it, just enough to partially activate the solenoid. I would look for bad dirt, can you get to the starter and put a direct feed into it? (Living and earth)
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Entendi, irei fazer o teste assim.Put power directly into the starter motor to test, do I disconnect the cables and put power directly?
Put power straight from 'your' battery to the starter positive (+) to eliminate solenoid problem. If same, use fresh battery, if same it would point to the starter being the problem. Process of elimination.
Os reles eu tirei todos, 1 a 1 e fui testando e nada tb.to be fair, watching the vid again, theres no reason the starter should be energising as button isn't being pressed, so that isn't the imediate issue. could well be a relay issue , try swapping them out in the main fuse box+starter circuit (where main fuse is). there must be a short/loose wire somwhere, be it battery or earth, just need to go through it all.