Tyre Warmers - Specifically Diamond and RaceFoxx


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Apr 29, 2014
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London and Norfolk
Afternoon all,

I always try to go for gear that's premium yet not OTT. So I've been doing my research, Holroyd/Racetec, BST, Capit etc warmers seem to be common enough for a decent amount of coverage about their actual real-world performance. I'm not going to spend ?3xx Capit's. But am willing to shell out ?2xx...

A couple of brands of tyre warmers have caught my eye and I can't find much data on them. I can see they have variable temp systems which I think is much better than single setting systems (in my head if you're using something designed to got to 99degC then at 85degC it should be well within its capabilities). The Racefoxx looks like it shrouds the wheel far more than others...and the Diamonds have anecdotal review saying they out performed Capit's in a 45min test, getting far more edge temp which to my mind is key.

So can anyone advise on either of these?

Now I'm not saying I need the best because I'm great, I just like to buy once and know it's not a bunch of toffee-like drill bits from Costco :p
I need to wander around a pit with an IR gun :D
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capit sport on ebay for ?279 with make offer. i think i got them off this bloke for ?260
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Tyre Warmers

I've been using Capit Sport tyre warmers for the last few years and they are very good and I would certainly recommend them. I will be changing to a set made by Thermal Technology next season as I want to be able to control the temperature settings for use with wets.

You can't really go wrong with any of the basic tyre warmers from the likes of Capit, Diamond and Thermal Technology, to name but a few, especially if your not using rain tyres. The only advice I would offer is to avoid those with drawstrings as they are a pain to get on and off quickly. Those that secure with velcro are far better.
Been using uber this season as are a good few in the paddock, good price, no problems , does what it says on the tin. Unless you are at bsb pace from the off then why waste yr money on something more than twice the price....Usually an hr from cold, half hr for wets...
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Thanks for the option guys. Will review them when back home later today.

- Sent from Mobile
Mine had drawstrings but I replaced the string with elastic now they are much easier and quicker to fit
cant remember the make
Re: Tyre Warmers

I've now ordered a set of Termorace Evo tyre warmers for next season. They are suitable for use with both slicks and rain tyres.


Very good choice. I have the Integral model with the TermoRace Pressure Control System. I simply install the warmers and forget them since I have preset the warming time, pressure, temperature, and rate of rising temperature. I do other things like wearing the suit, preparing other parts of the bike, chatting with other racers, reading the track, etc. I only hear pssss when air is been bleed out and read the "Ready" when the tyres are warm according to my preferences. It really makes my life easier while in the track. The accuracy of the system is 1/100 bar. It is expensive though but it works for me for over 4 years.
Been using uber this season as are a good few in the paddock, good price, no problems , does what it says on the tin. Unless you are at bsb pace from the off then why waste yr money on something more than twice the price....Usually an hr from cold, half hr for wets...

Uber are very popular on TD's too. I purchased Holroyds which are like for like (except pull cords not the better elastics Uber have)
Termorace Tyre Warmers

For those interested in Termorace tyre warmers please note that the company is currently being restructured and production has ceased until further notice. I've now had to cancel my order and I am now waiting for a set of Thermal Technology tyre warmers to arrive instead.
Not good, for the company, trust you got refunded?

I've got my diamonds will give them a test and IR check them before shipping on the 4th

- Sent from Mobile
Termorace Tyre Warmers

Fortunately I received a full refund as I was dealing with the UK importer (Demon Tweeks) and not Termorace directly.
We had a lot of front end horrors last year, we put a lot of it down to high end, but still budget warmers. Ended up with the capit after research, 3 yr warranty, full strip, rebuild service, and with a blanket on can warm rubber from ambient cold to 95 , in 30 mins .
Imagine cheap warmers end up costing you a 1000 repair, or a set of 500 warmers that you use again and again. Basic maths to me.
We got 2 sets.
I hear what you are saying Paul but not a lot of riders can afford that sort of money and indeed don't/cannot ride on the limit from the off. Budget is what it means, Budget, suitable for the average TDR and indeed the average racer. Lots of riders use scrubs, ideal for those that don't need high end grip, many can't afford or don't have the need for expensive suspension but still enjoy or are faster than the equivalent bike with top named sussies.
I'm by no means an expert but ambient to 95 in 30mins seems excessively quick, almost toasting it lol?
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I strongly disagree Bananaman, we have all been there, adding 500 rear sets, loud cans, big screens, Carbon fibre, new paint job. Trying to add to your 200bhp dyno run for bragging rights.
Then fitting crap pads, wrong pressures, not even engaged the thought of setting up the suspension for yourself, when a 20 stone guy owned it for 3 years and never changed the oil in the forks prior to you.
Money allocated in the wrong places. Believe me I'm party to that too when younger, until I sold all the bling to fund the racing addiction. The bike looked like a tramp but the correct parts worked correctly.
1 set of capital at 350, would cost less than the slowest low side at a track imaginable, not even taking into account breaking bones, or worse.... A high side
TBH I don't see too much of that on here.
I also don't see any *cheap* ones being discussed here.
I've read anecdotal data about Capit's being out performed by Diamonds and so I am happy to test them. I have an IR Thermometer to record how they perform across the carcass.
I strongly disagree Bananaman, we have all been there, adding 500 rear sets, loud cans, big screens, Carbon fibre, new paint job. Trying to add to your 200bhp dyno run for bragging rights.
Then fitting crap pads, wrong pressures, not even engaged the thought of setting up the suspension for yourself, when a 20 stone guy owned it for 3 years and never changed the oil in the forks prior to you.
Money allocated in the wrong places. Believe me I'm party to that too when younger, until I sold all the bling to fund the racing addiction. The bike looked like a tramp but the correct parts worked correctly.
1 set of capital at 350, would cost less than the slowest low side at a track imaginable, not even taking into account breaking bones, or worse.... A high side

LOL we'll agree to disagree, if we bought everything to stop us falling off we'd be into a 50 grand bike. We (me) generally spend where it's necessary for our ability to enjoy tracktime hence these sort of forums to look, learn and decide whether an item is personal necessity. Road riding is totally different, bling is what makes bikes individual and a talking point.
Much of yr statement I totally agree with and I hope there are some that will take heed.
If tyre warmers were the only reason for highsides/lowsides then there wouldn't be any, rider error as i'm sure you will agree is usually the culprit, not realising, understanding what the bike is telling you, even professionals make basic mistakes lol!
LOL we'll agree to disagree, if we bought everything to stop us falling off we'd be into a 50 grand bike. We (me) generally spend where it's necessary for our ability to enjoy tracktime hence these sort of forums to look, learn and decide whether an item is personal necessity. Road riding is totally different, bling is what makes bikes individual and a talking point.
Much of yr statement I totally agree with and I hope there are some that will take heed.
If tyre warmers were the only reason for highsides/lowsides then there wouldn't be any, rider error as i'm sure you will agree is usually the culprit, not realising, understanding what the bike is telling you, even professionals make basic mistakes lol!

I watched a video of someone on Almeria yesterday where he low-sided on a left. Watching the whole video you saw him take the bike off the warmers, then sit in the pit lane for a minute, he then did a slow out lap, once he started his first flyer lost the bike on the first big left. It seemed to me that he'd let the LHS of the carcass get cold and then asked too much of it all at once.

Point is, it's not just the warmers that determine how safe you're going to be.
I watched a video of someone on Almeria yesterday where he low-sided on a left. Watching the whole video you saw him take the bike off the warmers, then sit in the pit lane for a minute, he then did a slow out lap, once he started his first flyer lost the bike on the first big left. It seemed to me that he'd let the LHS of the carcass get cold and then asked too much of it all at once.

Point is, it's not just the warmers that determine how safe you're going to be.

Agree, even when the tyre is at it's optimum temperature there is a limit...Come to think of it, there is a limit for everything.

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