Just a heads up.
Got my HP4 back today. It died a couple of weeks ago.
The reason was that the voltage regulator had failed. On further investigation BMW found that a positive wire from the battery had chaffed around the regulator mounting and made contact with the frame causing the failure.
If you happen to have your bike stripped down in that area I'd recommend checking the wiring for any signs of chaffing just in case it happens to you.
BMW have said its the first time they've seen this and it was caused at the factory when the bike was being built.
Got my HP4 back today. It died a couple of weeks ago.
The reason was that the voltage regulator had failed. On further investigation BMW found that a positive wire from the battery had chaffed around the regulator mounting and made contact with the frame causing the failure.
If you happen to have your bike stripped down in that area I'd recommend checking the wiring for any signs of chaffing just in case it happens to you.
BMW have said its the first time they've seen this and it was caused at the factory when the bike was being built.