The king is dead, long live the king


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Don't know how true it is,but I was told on Monday that all new R1's(apart from race bikes)had been stopped/recalled due to engine issues.
That's what won it for me really, a better bike on the road and far better comfort than the R1. Coming from a Fireblade which was impeccable on the road, the obvious next bike for me was the BMW.

The R1 doesn't have heated grips or cruise control anyway lol
I know 2 guys awaiting their R1M deliveries.. and they keep getting the delivery dates put back... and I always said heated grips were for ******* until I put mine on the other day ... oooo luuverly... lol
Yep heated grips are the way forward, also used my cruise the other day after scoffing at it.
Its great, and it's actually pretty hard to keep the bike in a straight line while doing a superman :triumphant:
These tests are all well and good if you ride everywhere on and off the track at 100%. Back in the real world its the fuzzy warm feeling that is more important when deciding what to go for.
Just read the MCN test on the latest sports bikes including the BM. It appears the S1000rr has more power than all of them on the Dyno. The 1299 Duke had a couple of tenths more power than the BM but then it is almost 1300cc. Surprisingly the S1000RR has 7 more ponies than the Yam. I like that..
Do you not find it strange that a 2014 S1K regularly beats a ZX10 on most track tests, then MCN use a more powerful and supposedly quicker 2015 bike (reportedly quicker than the HP4 too) and it is slower than the same Kwak? Is it me or am I missing something???
Do you not find it strange that a 2014 S1K regularly beats a ZX10 on most track tests, then MCN use a more powerful and supposedly quicker 2015 bike (reportedly quicker than the HP4 too) and it is slower than the same Kwak? Is it me or am I missing something???
agreed mate. Remember it's just one test, I'll scan the European tests and see what they say....BMW might release a firmware update to the bike to sort the rear shock.
I saw the R1 today. It looks much better than the pictures and the led lights look fab.
I am definitely testing the new R1 when I come to change. Road manners are important, but I do like the crossplane sound. I didn't buy a 'blade cause I was ultimately more comfortable on the S1KR last time around. I think it will come down to a small few things that decide the next bike. Hell maybe I'll just get a commuter and be done with sports bikes. But I will test the R1, as this verison is worth a go, I never even sat on the last one, such is the difference.
Soooooooooooooooooo the BMW beats the R1 in World Superstock racing. "A rocketship by all accounts" were the words of James Hayden

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