Spa Jun 14


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Definitely on the to-do list, maybe next year - books up fast with so few dates. Weather can be really hit and miss which has always cast doubt on it.
Definitely do it. It's very fun on BMW.

If you see it Sold Out at No Limits, always try to check Bikerdays. I missed Assen with NoLimits, but managed to book with Bikerdays.

Well noted about the weather, I'm lucky that all rain stayed in London lol.

Definitely one of the best tracks in the world and more suited to the stock BMW than pretty much any UK track. Strangely I was a lot more comfortable and faster on the BMW back in 2016 than I was in the car last year:
Decent time that, and I'm envious you got the sun!

16:45 gearing today. missed first 2 sessions due to rain and me knackering sprocket nut on wets.

3 dry sessions after lunch, sun +25C again. Managed to do a few 2:46'es


still far away from Racer's group.
My bike was completely stock. I actually planned on using the Ducati but had to use a baffle and was losing 10-15mph on the main straight so switched to the BMW which I'd brought for the Nordschleife and roads. Nice work on the lap times, I'd love to go back and see what I could do now.

I only just saw your question about the gearing. I was near topping out the stock gearing which is 17/45 = 2.65 at 180 - 185mph. I'd have thought your gearing today would still be too short as 16/45 = 2.81 so you will be topping out before the end of the main straight. If it was me i would go straight to 16/43 = 2.69 which is just a little shorter than stock so should be about right.

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My bike was completely stock. I actually planned on using the Ducati but had to use a baffle and was losing 10-15mph on the main straight so switched to the BMW which I'd brought for the Nordschleife and roads. Nice work on the lap times, I'd love to go back and see what I could do now.

I only just saw your question about the gearing. I was near topping out the stock gearing which is 17/45 = 2.65 at 180 - 185mph. I'd have thought your gearing today would still be too short as 16/45 = 2.81 so you will be topping out before the end of the main straight. If it was me i would go straight to 16/43 = 2.69 which is just a little shorter than stock so should be about right.

Yeah I was topping out on the long straight out of Raidillon. Dont have anything smaller than 45 with me. Do you need 118 chain for 43t ?
Yeah I was topping out on the long straight out of Raidillon. Dont have anything smaller than 45 with me. Do you need 118 chain for 43t ?

Yes for 600mm wheelbase a 16/43 would need 118 links. However the nature of the track might suit the stability of the longer wheelbase with 16/43 120links
i think the bike is better all round with the longer wheelbase of the 120 links. It didn't give me any issues at places like Spa with the stock gearing and chain but it was a right brute on smaller UK tracks and I was glad to see the back of it.
Yes for 600mm wheelbase a 16/43 would need 118 links. However the nature of the track might suit the stability of the longer wheelbase with 16/43 120links

Sorry I wasn't clear with the question. I thought with 43t you must use 118 chain, but looks like 120 will work too.
i think the bike is better all round with the longer wheelbase of the 120 links. It didn't give me any issues at places like Spa with the stock gearing and chain but it was a right brute on smaller UK tracks and I was glad to see the back of it.

16-43 on 120mm should be ideal for this track, I think.

I managed to drop down to 2:45 before it started to rain. Braking late at La Source and being quick thru Raidillon helps a lot. 2:45 vs 2.46 speed comparison


Unfortunately I will miss 2 days at Spa in August, as going to Mugello. Lets see how Mugello is, never been there.
Just few random whiskey comments:

- it is the one greatest track in the world. I do enjoy riding at Silverstone, but Spa is just one step above. It has pretty much every type of corners, from slowest La Source to super fast Raidillon (eau Rouge)/Blanchimont.

- it's first track that truly opened up power of 1l engine for me. When you're at rev limit thru 5-6 gears out of Raidillon for 3-4 seconds, it feels never ending and just great.
Not to say, I love this unsettled back feeling on 100% WOT thru 4-5-6 upshifts in right-hander out of Courbe Paul Frere.

- Silverstone does come close in comparison, but it's just so plan and flat comparing to Spa.

Hope to get more track time there next year.
managed about 3.05 on my gsxr a few years back - but we rode there and back, sub 3 is flying!
must get the s1000 out there