Rear wheel removal


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Well-known member
S1000RR Supporter
May 22, 2012
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Slightly annoying, when removing rear wheel, it wont go far enough forward to get the chain off? Have to run it up the swing arm to get the space. Not had this on my others....
Slightly annoying, when removing rear wheel, it wont go far enough forward to get the chain off? Have to run it up the swing arm to get the space. Not had this on my others....

On my gen 3 I remove the axle nut and washer and then pull the wheel back slightly. This releases the adjuster plate and then the axle. Then roll the wheel forward to release the chain. No need to touch the adjuster bolts.
Slightly annoying, when removing rear wheel, it wont go far enough forward to get the chain off? Have to run it up the swing arm to get the space. Not had this on my others....
I normally have all sorts of problems getting the wheel back in but never had that problem getting it out. As Snooker says, no need to touch the chain adjusters.
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With axle out and caliper off it's free .... It fully forward onto the swing arm as if chain has a link out or rear sprocket has extra tooth.
how much adjustment is there on the axle? if it's all the way in (wheel at it's closest point) then theres been some "fettling" going on,if not,then your binding it on soemthing i suspect
how much adjustment is there on the axle? if it's all the way in (wheel at it's closest point) then theres been some "fettling" going on,if not,then your binding it on soemthing i suspect

With the axle out and the wheel as far forward as it will go on the ground (tyre touching the swingarm) the chain wont come off. Running 17-45
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Have you gone to a 60 or 65 profile slick? ie taller tyre profile?

You can always let the air out of the tyre to give you more space? It went in, so it'll come out... J
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I find that if you cock the front of the wheel to the right it'll give you 10mm or so extra chain clearance on the left. Hope that helps, J
plank of wood with a slight taper to run it up might help. i just use my foot but your right, its a pain in the

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