Rear Brake on the track


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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2015
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How much if at all are you using the rear brake on the track? An instructor I followed last year at snetterton seemed to be able to brake much later and harder than me. I only use the front, thinking the link will provide the required braking to the rear??
I'm not - but I think I should - suspension balancing being a primary use and helping to hook the apex of tighter turns.
This is awkward in right handers which is why thumb brakes which can supply 10nm of brake pressure are cropping up. (The foot brake supplies 40mn of pressure, so is still better in a straight line).

There's a MotoGP vid on the VideoPass which says they all tend to hit the rear to squat it, a fraction before slamming the fronts on on a straight.
I don't even think about rear brake on track unless it's mountain at Cadwell and I need to get the front down.

Being progressive and smooth with the input will make a big difference to braking performance. Biggest braking mistake I see done on trackdays (I used to do this) is the mindset of 'brake as late as possible, as hard as possible', thinking it will improve your times. This usually creates a situation where the rider scrubs off too much speed trying to slow down and settle the bike for the turn in, making for slower times.
I've only ever used the rear brake in the wet I do keep meaning to try using it instead of toggling the throttle as I find the throttle very on off on my old gen 1, but in the excitement I forget
Rear Brake

I generally only use the rear brake in the wet on track and at times to keep the front end down under heavy acceleration. Apart from that I never really apply it and I have the ABS switched off.
Rear brake ???? 😂😂😂😂

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rear brake is rarely used to actually brake,more to help keep the front under control,and (if your good enough) to help tighten up a turn,obviously the riders up at the sharper end of racing are using it more,but generally there are more important/useful things you can do(or at least should be) before the extra parameter of the rear brake comes into effect.

the video mentioned i think is of a lap by Danilo petruci,showing how much he uses it,it's alot but theres no point comparing a MGP riders style with the general trackdayer.

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