Our Pets


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Well-known member
Nov 19, 2012
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Morning People,

Given we're all a bit bored at the moment and stuck indoors more than we'd like, we're getting to spend a lot of time with our loved ones, pets included. My dog is very happy that all his family is at home all day everyday, think Xmas has come early for him!

I thought it'd be nice to post pics of our pets, as even at this doom and gloom time they still manage to bring a smile to our face. :)

I'll start, here is my boy, only 14 months old so technically still a puppy really. We have had him from 8 weeks old and love him to bits. He?s turned out to have a very nice temperament, great with kids but very quick to sense any negative vibes and can get into a protective mode very quickly at the right time as and when required. He?s my 8 year old daughter?s best friend, but he?s most definitely a Daddy?s boy, thinks he needs to go everywhere with me! He looks after my toys too!



Here are a few actions pics of him yesterday trying to get a stick off me:



And then he got distracted by a pigeon:


Lets see your pets too! :D
Ahhh your imagining right now an apocalypse and you can play out the Will Smith bit with the alsatian... personally speaking I don't fancy your chances lol

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Ahhh your imagining right now an apocalypse and you can play out the Will Smith bit with the alsatian... personally speaking I don't fancy your chances lol

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Will Smith and his dog, me and my dog, we got this **** covered, boom! lol
Mate asked me to look after his fish for two weeks when I was about 12... he dropped them off to me .... fed them... fed some more... no one told me about changing water.... looked more like soup when he came to collect...

needless to say I never had any pets as a child haha

but great dog schuey....
Ok ok guys, realising not many pet owners here. This topic has proven to be quite popular on some other forums during these boring times!
Well my cat has enjoyed the attention - oops better go and let him back in!
don't think i kept him waiting too long! but had to open some more catfood!
Haha.. I was looking for a good cat pic.... didnt need to hunt about, shes just jumped up and watching MOTD with me lol

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