Isle of Wight day trip (one for the southerners)


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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2020
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I went for a weekend to IoW recently and was bowled away at the scenery and roads. I went on the GS with my woman and we had a great time doing a slow lap of the island. But it struck me that a day out with a few S1000RRs we could easily:

Early meeting in Mid-sussex (suggest 7ish, I wouldn't want to start much earlier)
Rock up to the ferry terminal and onto the next crossing (don't believe it's necessary to book with a bike as they'll just squeeze you on)
Lap around the island with a stop for lunch somewhere with a view
Back onto an early afternoon ferry so you can make it home in time to mow the grass and avoid a black mark for being out all day

Anyone interested?
And group discount on ferry, maybe... Let's see whether we get many numbers, I reckon 5 ish would be ideal but more are obviously welcome
I can guarantee you wont get any discount on ferry the robbing b@stards. If you want a guide ill be able if around though I dont have a road bike.
I can guarantee you wont get any discount on ferry the robbing b@stards. If you want a guide ill be able if around though I dont have a road bike.

Tbh that would be my assumption too.. For a tourist it's not too bad (?40-50 day return) and with the convenience of being able to rock up and get on it's not too bad. The cafe does half decent sausage rolls too!!!
5 to 10 should be fine without booking. It would depend on the sailing time as they have peak crossings. Weekends is pretty solid throughout. There is no harm booking as they usually let you get one whenever you turn up if theres room.
No I won't because I can't....

Initial date proposition: 2nd July (Saturday)
Meeting place: TBD, maybe Pease Pottage services @ 7am

If we get 3 people (including me) agreed then I'll make the arrangements! (no need to pre-pay, we'll just hope they can squeeze us on a boat and if not we'll just have to do time trials around Portsmouth instead)
Are we still looking at doing this Jeff? What time would we be back, I have an evening thing I have to be back for.
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Morning Colin - tbh I had set it back in my mind as there haven't been any replies commenting on the date. I am still up for it but it will have to move to the Sunday of that weekend now (or back to August...)...

Reply in the affirmative if the following works

Initial date proposition: 3rd July (Sunday)
Meeting place: Pease Pottage services @ 7am (will be back on the mainland for mid-afternoon)
Np mate, I'd prefer a Saturday anyway.

Date: TBD
Meeting place: Pease Pottage services @ 7am
- Straight to IoW ferry services
- Snacks and chats on the ferry
- Lap of the island with a stop for lunch
- Back on mainland before 3pm

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