Home Brew Camera Mount - Rear Cowl


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Stuart, it is quite simple to re code a barrel, they take different leaves inside that are all numbered, the more leaves the more combinations, the less the fewer combinations you can actually remove all but one an it will turn with any BMW key. As the barrel is actually in the cowl at the moment you have to insert a thin piece of metal like a narrow feeler gauge up thside of the leaves which pushes them in, thorn you can remove it by pushing in the securing tab at the end of the barrel. Once out put your key in it and see what leaves are flush and what ones need removed. Hard to explain on a thread but easy enough to carry out.


Good Jimmy...actually I think Ive seen that on this forum come to think of it, Im sure somone took the time to post images of that very job...I'll need to trawl through and find it.. anyhow posted @ 2.55am your as bad as me.. lol..

stu's phone
Stuart, it is quite simple to re code a barrel, they take different leaves inside that are all numbered, the more leaves the more combinations, the less the fewer combinations you can actually remove all but one an it will turn with any BMW key. As the barrel is actually in the cowl at the moment you have to insert a thin piece of metal like a narrow feeler gauge up thside of the leaves which pushes them in, thorn you can remove it by pushing in the securing tab at the end of the barrel. Once out put your key in it and see what leaves are flush and what ones need removed. Hard to explain on a thread but easy enough to carry out.


If I remember correctly the seat and luggage barrels should only have 3 leaves as opposed to the ignition which has 6
Guys on the rear seat/cowel swap over thing...I bought S/H pillion from eb ..mint nick.. just dug it out there..its got a lock on it that my ignition key doesnt fit...can the lock be modified to accept my key. stu's phone

It's dead simple, flip the seat over and remove the two posi screws, then remove the lock 'arm'

Then just push the retaining pin and the barrel will slide (or drop) out.

Then just follow that guide you posted and it's done :)


Good Jimmy...actually I think Ive seen that on this forum come to think of it, Im sure somone took the time to post images of that very job...I'll need to trawl through and find it.. anyhow posted @ 2.55am your as bad as me.. lol..

stu's phone

4.55 am in Turkey neebor, teeing off at 7.06. WTF

Back on topic...I took the cowl to Snetterton, went to fit it, in a bit of a hurry. Snapped the bracket clean off it, trying to put it round the mount points.
I was heavy handed but I think it would have happened soon enough anyway.
Meh. I think I'll come up with another solution when the final cowl finally turns up.
Back on topic...I took the cowl to Snetterton, went to fit it, in a bit of a hurry. Snapped the bracket clean off it, trying to put it round the mount points.
I was heavy handed but I think it would have happened soon enough anyway.
Meh. I think I'll come up with another solution when the final cowl finally turns up.
Alex..was that the oe or the chinese one ?

stu's phone
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Chinese mate. I think I know why, by shimming it with rubber, to get the height, I changed the forces, the compliance in the rubber allowed at all to twist and snap the mounts. Long story short. Solid shims and maybe some washers to spread the load would have been better. I have a 2015 copy on order anyway (because it has a flat top). I am thinking of using a different solution on this one to mount the camera. - Sent from Mobile Device
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Mind ive ordered one ! Ucht ill see what its like.. i had a ****** one on my 10R... it was a poor fit.. i packed it out with semi hard foam and it sat ok.. its not the 15 quid cowel coming off that worries me its the bullet cam n gubbins attached if its not secure...anyhow..should arrive soon.

stu's phone
I snapped it trying to fit it. In use it was secure, before hand.

- Sent from Mobile Device
This just arrived along with my replacement soles for my vortice boots.... the cowel looks ok... but no doubt the fit will be piss poor... anyhows let u all know how it goes with the lock etc


stu's phone
Ok... finally got round to looking at this pillion seat I bought...followed the above till I got to the bit where you had to pull out the followers and they won't release...so reread the comments left on that tutorial... to find this...

      • Richard says:
        August 4, 2015 at 9:06 pmOn both locks with the keys removed the tumblers feel secured in place. I did try and push out with a thin bladed screwdriver but held short of applying too much force. I could remove the end or stop tumbler but that was it

      • MotoTrip Team says:
        August 4, 2015 at 9:14 pmStrange; what exact model year is that? We haven?t tried with new R1200GS (2013+) locks, could be something different? When we remove the key, all tumblers are very easy to remove, almost on their own.

  • Richard says:
    August 7, 2015 at 7:31 pmFound the solution. On the sport case lock you need to prise of the chrome cover and underneath is a pin that stops the tumblers releasing. Need to be careful as there are two spring loaded plastic sliders under the chrome cover that close the key slot when the key is withdrawn.
I'm presuming mine is the same, as they will not just fall out, I tried to pull gently with needle nose pliers to no avail.. pretty sure I will have to prise off the chrome cap..as above



The chrome cap is pinch crimped at 4 points and is quite sturdy..so Ill have to pop in a vice and carefully release it.. im presuming the newer style locks are this way..

stu's phone
Does anyone know if you have to use all of the followers, if like the tutorial says you have some that don't align properly you can obtain different followers from your dealer or can these not just be left out ?
The leaves fall out with the key removed. Allowing you to re-arrange the to suit your key. Lots of small fiddly bits so do it over a tray.
The flat parts of the key pull in the locking leaves allowing the barrel to turn.
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No dice Alex, they wont budge, their held in, as I said even with a little pressure with the pliers..not playing ball... pretty sure it must be a similar lock to the comments above
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Does anyone know if you have to use all of the followers, if like the tutorial says you have some that don't align properly you can obtain different followers from your dealer or can these not just be left out ?

I wasn't aware the sthou's had the newer style lock as I've only come across it once (and I didn't bother disassembling it so I've no idea about removing the chrome top) the barrel in my s thou seat is the earlier style where they fall out.

You don't have to use them all, just re arrange them as much as you can to get use out of as many as possible..

If you don't feel like removing the chrome cap there is another method wherein you put the new key in the barrel and use a file (gently) to level off any pins (or leaves) it's not a professional method but it works if you're desperate.

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