It's difficult for some of us to understand low mileage, as for about 15yrs of my early 2 wheeled life, 2 wheels were my only form of transport. I rode everywhere. Ive transported items on my bike that today, you'd think how the **** did i manage that?
Yes there is a small minority of snobs on Ducati's. There's some on GS's too, Harleys etc. Most are not though. Most 2 wheelers are pretty genuine IME. To be fair, my road mileage has decreased as I have a car and a van. I no longer commute, I walk. (I really need the exercise) Life, with a family, also has a habit of curtailing your available road miles. So, I do get it. But what I do not get, is why people think anything less than 40k is high mileage on a bike? I did 40k on my old Katana. Equally on my other older GS750's. The engines were still sweet as. So were the cycle parts. If you maintain a bike normally, it will do incredible miles.