Phoned my insurers this morning and my Gen 4 has cost me an additional £150 on top of my Gen 3 premium to insure for the rest of the year. Not bad as was expecting worse. Looking forward to the weekend now for collection 
I live in the south west of uk, and max ncb ,3000 miles a yr, no pillion,it just seems to be a right rip off, I like bemoto but not at that price,but thanks for your replies:sorrow:
I went to the bike show in London last fri and got some quotes from bmw £584 bennetts£704 carol nash £488, so I rung Bemoto today and got a quote for TI COVER £310-19p so ill be going with them,what a vast difference in prices,but they did want to know what tracker is fitted to the s1000rr,i was told it was data tool:stupid: